Exploring your data
EDA is a general term for a broad category of analyses that are used to understand your data better. Is that definition a little vague? Yes, but the term means slightly different things to different people. Even what analyses fall into this category are up for debate. What is EDA, then? It’s dipping your toe into the water to check the temperature before jumping into the data lake.
Important note
It should be noted that some analysts include the cleaning and wrangling processes in what they consider EDA because they are all things you do to prepare your data for use. However, for the purpose of this exam, they are considered separate.
When you first receive a new dataset, before you know what questions to ask or analyses to run, you need to understand some basic information about the data. This can take the form of basic descriptive statistics, simple charts or visualizations, or even simple modeling or machine learning algorithms. What analyses...