6.3 Insertion Sort
Insertion sort is another simple, yet highly fundamental algorithm in computer science. It sorts a list by building a sorted array one element at a time, much like how you would sort a hand of playing cards.
Let's explain the operation of Insertion Sort through an easy-to-understand metaphor before we delve into the details of the algorithm. Imagine you're playing a card game. You're dealt cards one by one. As you receive each card, you place it in its correct position relative to the cards you've already sorted in your hand. By the time you've received all the cards, your hand is sorted!
Insertion sort is a fundamental sorting algorithm in computer science that is often used in data processing applications. It is a relatively simple algorithm that operates by building a sorted array one element at a time. To better understand how the algorithm works, let's use a metaphor. Imagine you are organizing your closet.
You start with a pile...