Practical Exercises Chapter 4
Exercise 4.1: Installing Anaconda
1. Download the Anaconda installer for your operating system from Anaconda's official website.
2. Follow the installation instructions and validate the installation by running the following command in your terminal:
conda --version
3. Share your screen capture of the successful installation as evidence of completion.
Exercise 4.2: Jupyter Notebook Basics
1. Launch Jupyter Notebook by typing jupyter notebook in the terminal.
2. Create a new Jupyter notebook and name it My_First_Notebook.
3. Inside the notebook, create the following:
- A Markdown cell with a level-1 header saying "My First Notebook"
- A code cell that outputs Hello, World!
print("Hello, World!")
4. Save and download the notebook.
Exercise 4.3: Git for Version Control
1. Install Git if you haven't already. Validate the installation by running the following command in your terminal:
git --version