Data Collection and Preprocessing
Now that we've defined our problem statement, we can't wait to dive into the data, can we? Data is the bedrock of any machine learning project. It's like the paint for an artist—without it, there's no masterpiece. But remember, a messy palette won't create a Mona Lisa! Similarly, messy data won't help us build a reliable model. So, it's crucial to understand and preprocess our data before we move on to the fun part—modeling!
Data Collection
For this project, we'll assume you've got your hands on a rich dataset that contains various features of houses, along with their selling prices. This could be a publicly available dataset or one you've gathered yourself.
Example Code: Exploring the Dataset
Before we go any further, let's take a look at the dataset's features and a few sample entries to get a better understanding.
# Viewing the columns in the dataset