Feature Engineering
By now, you've got your data looking all neat and tidy, but guess what? We can make it even better. How, you ask? Through the magic of Feature Engineering!
Feature engineering is essentially the art of enhancing your dataset with new features that could help your model make better predictions. It's like adding spices to a dish to make it even more delicious. Let's walk through this important step in our house prices prediction project!
Creating Polynomial Features
One way to enhance our dataset is by creating polynomial features. This involves creating new features that are powers of existing ones. For instance, if we have a feature that represents the number of bedrooms, we could create another feature that's the square of the number of bedrooms.
# Creating a new feature 'Bedrooms_Squared'
df['Bedrooms_Squared'] = df['Bedrooms'] ** 2
Interaction Terms
You can also create interaction terms between two different...