Applications of Parts of Speech Tagging
Just like text pre-processing techniques help the machine understand natural language better by encouraging it to focus on only the important details, POS tagging helps the machine actually interpret the context of text and thus make sense of it. While text pre-processing is more of a cleaning phase, parts of speech tagging is actually the part where the machine is beginning to output valuable information about corpora on its own.
Understanding what words correspond to which parts of speech can be beneficial in processing natural language in several ways for a machine:
- POS tagging is useful in differentiating between homonyms – words that have the same spelling but mean different things. For example, the word "play" can mean the verb to play, as in engage in an activity, and also the noun, as in a dramatic work to be performed on stage. A POS tagger can help the machine understand what context the word "play" is being...