Tracking objects using color spaces
An image can be represented using various color spaces. The RGB color space is probably the most popular color space, but it does not lend itself nicely to applications like object tracking. So, we will be using the HSV color space instead. It is an intuitive color space model that is closer to how humans perceive color. You can learn more about it here:
We can convert the captured frame from RGB to the HSV color space, and then use color thresholding to track any given object. We should note that we need to know the color distribution of the object so that we can select the appropriate ranges for thresholding.
Create a new Python file and import the following packages:
import cv2
import numpy as np
Define a function to grab the current frame from the webcam. Start by reading it from the video capture object:
# Define a function to get the current frame from the webcam
def get_frame...