Enabling SimpleDB service for AWS account
Once you have successfully set up an AWS account, you must follow these steps to enable the SimpleDB service for your account:
1. Log in to your AWS account.
2. Navigate to the SimpleDB home page—http://aws.amazon.com/simpledb/.
3. Click on the Sign Up For Amazon SimpleDB button on the right side of the page.
4. Provide the requested credit card information and complete the signup process.
You have now successfully set up your AWS account and enabled it for SimpleDB.
All communication with SimpleDB or any of the Amazon web services must be through either the SOAP interface or the Query/ReST interface. The request messages sent through either of these interfaces is digitally signed by the sending user in order to ensure that the messages have not been tampered within transit, and that they really originate from the sending user. Requests that use the Query/ReST interface will use the access keys for signing the request, whereas requests to the SOAP interface...