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PostgreSQL 9 High Availability Cookbook

By : Shaun Thomas
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PostgreSQL 9 High Availability Cookbook

By: Shaun Thomas

Overview of this book

A comprehensive series of dependable recipes to design, build, and implement a PostgreSQL server architecture free of common pitfalls that can operate for years to come. Each chapter is packed with instructions and examples to simplify even highly complex database operations. If you are a PostgreSQL DBA working on Linux systems who want a database that never gives up, this book is for you. If you've ever experienced a database outage, restored from a backup, spent hours trying to repair a malfunctioning cluster, or simply want to guarantee system stability, this book is definitely for you.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
PostgreSQL 9 High Availability Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Interpreting /proc/meminfo

Administrators familiar with the Linux /proc filesystem know that it a valuable source for both device status and performance information. The meminfo entry in this directory will always provide copious data regarding the status, contents, and state of the memory in our server.

We care about this as DBAs because file cache and write buffering can drastically affect disk I/O. We are not especially interested in analyzing PostgreSQL's memory usage itself. At the time of writing this book, current recommendations suggest that PostgreSQL's performance doesn't really improve after shared buffers reach 8 GB. However, for client connections, inode caches, and dirty page flushing, it's more than relevant.

On a modern Linux kernel, there are over 40 different lines of information in /proc/meminfo. Much of this data is not exceptionally useful to a DBA, so this recipe will focus on important fields only.

Getting ready

We will be using the watch and grep commands in this recipe...