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ElasticSearch Server

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ElasticSearch Server

Overview of this book

ElasticSearch is an open source search server built on Apache Lucene. It was built to provide a scalable search solution with built-in support for near real-time search and multi-tenancy.Jumping into the world of ElasticSearch by setting up your own custom cluster, this book will show you how to create a fast, scalable, and flexible search solution. By learning the ins-and-outs of data indexing and analysis, "ElasticSearch Server" will start you on your journey to mastering the powerful capabilities of ElasticSearch. With practical chapters covering how to search data, extend your search, and go deep into cluster administration and search analysis, this book is perfect for those new and experienced with search servers.In "ElasticSearch Server" you will learn how to revolutionize your website or application with faster, more accurate, and flexible search functionality. Starting with chapters on setting up your own ElasticSearch cluster and searching and extending your search parameters you will quickly be able to create a fast, scalable, and completely custom search solution.Building on your knowledge further you will learn about ElasticSearch's query API and become confident using powerful filtering and faceting capabilities. You will develop practical knowledge on how to make use of ElasticSearch's near real-time capabilities and support for multi-tenancy.Your journey then concludes with chapters that help you monitor and tune your ElasticSearch cluster as well as advanced topics such as shard allocation, gateway configuration, and the discovery module.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
ElasticSearch Server
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

About the Reviewers

Ravindra Bharathi has worked in the software industry for over a decade in various domains such as education, digital media marketing/advertising, enterprise search, and energy management systems. He has a keen interest in search-based applications that involve data visualization, mashups, and dashboards. He blogs at

Matthew Lee Hinman currently develops distributed archiving software for high availability and cloud-based systems written in both Clojure and Java. He enjoys contributing to open source software and spending time hiking outdoors.

Marcelo Ochoa works at the System Laboratory of Facultad de Ciencias Exactas of the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, and is the CTO at, a company specialized in near real-time search solutions using Apache Solr and Oracle. He divides his time between University jobs and external projects related to Oracle and big data technologies. He has worked in several Oracle-related projects such as translation of Oracle manuals and multimedia CBTs. His background is in database, network, web, and Java technologies. In the XML world, he is known as the developer of the DB Generator for the Apache Cocoon project, the open source projects DBPrism and DBPrism CMS, the Lucene-Oracle integration using Oracle JVM Directory implementation, and in the project, the Oracle XDB Restlet Adapter (an alternative to writing native REST web services inside the database-resident JVM).

Since 2006, he has been part of the Oracle ACE program. Oracle ACEs are known for their strong credentials as Oracle community enthusiasts and advocates, with candidates nominated by ACEs in the Oracle Technology and Applications communities.

He is the author of Chapter 17 of the book Oracle Database Programming using Java and Web Services, Kuassi Mensah, Digital Press and Chapter 21 of the book Professional XML Databases, Kevin Williams, Wrox Press.