Installing the FIM CM client
On the client computers where users will manage Smart Cards (in some cases all workstations), you will need to install some client components.
You should install the x86 client software, even if the operating system is 64-bit. You have to match your FIM CM client with the type of IE that the users are using. (Even on 64-bit Windows we almost always use the 32-bit version of IE.)
The installation can be automated and settings controlled using GPOs, but showing the few manual steps gives you an idea of what might need to be changed.
Usually we select all the components of the client software since we would like to support all the features. If you are using a separate tool for the PIN reset, for example, you might exclude this component.
We then need to tell the component the name of the sites it should trust to run the ActiveX controls. In my example, I use the alias for access to the FIM CM portal.
If you are not using the self-service option...