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Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook

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Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook
About the Authors
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Displaying a geographical map of visitors

Operational intelligence doesn't always need to come in the form of pie charts, bar charts, and data tables. With a wide range of operational data being collected from IT systems, there is the opportunity to display this data in ways that can be more meaningful to users or help present it in ways that can be easier to identify trends or anomalies.

One way that always provides great visibility is by representing your data using a geographical map. With geolocation data available for many different data types, it becomes very easy to plot them. Using IP addresses from web server logs is a very common use case for this type of visualization. Splunk allows for the easy addition of a map to a dashboard with all the capabilities to zoom and update the portion of the map that the user is viewing.

This recipe will show you how you can configure a map panel within a dashboard and link it to a search that contains IP addresses in order to visualize where in...