Writing the GDD, Step 4: The Beat Chart
The beat chart is a handy-dandy tool that not only can help you develop the content of your GDD but also provides a “map” of the structure of your game; this is extremely important when examining the gameplay progression. Every beat chart requires the following elements:
- Level/environment name
- File name (level/environment designation)
- Time of day (in context of the game)
- Story elements for level
- Progression: gameplay focus of the level
- Estimated play time of level
- Color scheme of level/environment
- Enemies/bosses introduced and used
- Mechanics introduced and used
- Hazards introduced and used
- Power-ups found in level/environment
- New abilities, weapons, or gear introduced/unlocked
- Treasure amount and type the players can find
- Bonus material found in level/environment
- Music track(s) to be used in this level/environment
Here is an example of a beat chart for a couple of levels from Maximo: Ghosts to Glory.
Level: World 1-1 |
Level: World... |