Third Person Camera
Another good way to avoid turning your game into a puke-a-rama is to pull the view back into the third person view. Now remember, this isn’t a solve-all solution, but I have found that when players have something to focus on, the effects of DIMS seems to decrease. A third person camera also lets players get a better view of the world, the action, and what’s coming up behind them. Watch out, Lara! That mercenary has a machete!
Pulling the camera back behind the player offers many advantages over the first person view. First off, the player can get a clear view of his character … ’s butt.5 Well, you can fix that by allowing the character to turn around and run toward the camera. But then you have to make sure the camera can track backward with the player. Does that mean the controls become camera relative or player relative? And how does the player restore the camera back to its original position? Hmmm. This may be more complicated than...