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Android NDK Game Development Cookbook

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Android NDK Game Development Cookbook

Overview of this book

Android NDK is used for multimedia applications which require direct access to a system's resources. Android NDK is also the key for portability, which in turn provides a reasonably comfortable development and debugging process using familiar tools such as GCC and Clang toolchains. If your wish to build Android games using this amazing framework, then this book is a must-have.This book provides you with a number of clear step-by-step recipes which will help you to start developing mobile games with Android NDK and boost your productivity debugging them on your computer. This book will also provide you with new ways of working as well as some useful tips and tricks that will demonstrably increase your development speed and efficiency.This book will take you through a number of easy-to-follow recipes that will help you to take advantage of the Android NDK as well as some popular C++ libraries. It presents Android application development in C++ and shows you how to create a complete gaming application. You will learn how to write portable multithreaded C++ code, use HTTP networking, play audio files, use OpenGL ES, to render high-quality text, and how to recognize user gestures on multi-touch devices. If you want to leverage your C++ skills in mobile development and add performance to your Android applications, then this is the book for you.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Android NDK Game Development Cookbook
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Performing cross-platform multithreading

To continue improving the user experience, we should make long-running tasks asynchronous, with fine-grained control over their execution. To do so, we implement an abstraction layer on top of the operating systems' threads.

Getting ready

Android NDK threads are based on POSIX threads. Take a look at the header file platforms\android-14\arch-arm\usr\include\pthread.h in your NDK folder.

How to do it...

  1. Let's start with declarations of thread handle types:

    #ifndef _WIN32
    #include <pthread.h>
    typedef pthread_t thread_handle_t;
    typedef pthread_t native_thread_handle_t;
    #include <windows.h>
    typedef uintptr_t thread_handle_t;
    typedef uintptr_t native_thread_handle_t;
  2. Then, we declare the thread interface:

    class iThread
      iThread::iThread():FThreadHandle( 0 ), FPendingExit(false) {}
      virtual ~iThread() {}
      void Start();
      void Exit( bool Wait );
      bool IsPendingExit() const { return FPendingExit; };
      virtual void...