- achievements
- prototyping / Prototyping the achievements
- resetting / Resetting the achievements
- checking for / Let's check the achievements
- specific achievement, checking / Checking a specific achievement
- all achievements, checking / Checking all of the achievements
- achievements onscreen
- displaying / Displaying the achievements on screen
- GUI functions, adding / Adding the GUI functions
- achievement system
- about / The achievement system
- achievements, prototyping / Prototyping the achievements
- achievement variables, adding / Adding the required achievement variables
- achievements, resetting / Resetting the achievements
- achievement trackers
- about / Achievement trackers
- player kills, tracking / Tracking the kills
- gold total, tracking / Tracking the gold total
- gold spent, tracking / Tracking the gold spent
- player's level, tracking / Tracking the player's level
- rounds won, tracking / Tracking the rounds won
- time played, tracking / Tracking the time played
- achievement variables
- adding / Adding the required achievement variables
- actions
- scripting / Scripting the actions
- Active state / Finite state machines
- adding function
- creating / Creating the adding function
- Advanced options / Creating the NavMesh
- AI
- techniques / AI techniques
- external actions / External actions
- affecting / Affecting the AI
- AI package
- wrapping up / Putting it all together
- final coding touches / Final coding touches
- inspector, filling out / Filling out the inspector
- AI techniques
- about / AI techniques
- finite state machines / Finite state machines
- behavior tree form, of AI system / The behavior tree form of the AI system
- all achievements
- checking / Checking all of the achievements
- Ambient Sample Pack
- animations
- scripting / Scripting the animations
- anti-aliasing property
- toggling / Toggling the anti-aliasing property
- armor changer, self item class / The armor changer
- atmospheric sounds
- about / Atmospheric sounds
- script, creating / Creating the script and variables
- variables, creating / Creating the script and variables
- variables, initializing / Initializing the variables
- playing / Playing the atmospheric sounds
- adding / Adding the atmospheric sounds
- audio configurations
- creating / Making audio configurations
- values, setting / Setting the values
- volumes, configuring / Configuring the volumes
- speaker mode, setting / Setting the speaker mode
- audio systems
- implementing / Implementing the audio systems
- background music
- about / Background music
- random system, creating / Creating a random system
- playlist system, adding / Adding a playlist system
- audio systems, implementing / Implementing the audio systems
- playing / Playing the background music
- Baldur's Gate 2 / Limits of the inventory
- BeginHorizontal function / Running the GUI
- behavior tree / Finite state machines
- behavior tree form, of AI system
- about / The behavior tree form of the AI system
- techniques, combining / Combining the techniques
- scripting / Let's start scripting!
- bool variable / Creating 3D damage reports, Showing our stats on the screen, Adding the required achievement variables, Setting the resolution
- Borderlands / Limits of the inventory
- character animations
- about / Character animations
- model mesh, importing / Importing the model mesh
- animations, scripting / Scripting the animations
- CheckAllAchievements function / Checking all of the achievements
- checkpoint system / The checkpoint system
- code, settings menu
- preparing / Preparing the code
- Color variable / Creating 3D damage reports
- Combat function / Scripting the actions
- controller inputs
- adding / Adding additional controller inputs
- controls
- about / Picking the controls
- mapping / Mapping the needed controls
- input manager, checking / Checking the input manager
- Xbox 360 Controller inputs, checking / Checking the Xbox 360 Controller inputs
- additional controller inputs, adding / Adding additional controller inputs
- start button, adding / Adding a start button and trigger inputs
- trigger inputs, adding / Adding a start button and trigger inputs
- directional pad inputs, adding / Adding directional pad inputs
- PC control inputs, adding / Adding PC control inputs
- customizing / Customization is key
- control script
- setting up / Housing our control script, Let's get set and show them
- creating / Creating and naming the script
- naming / Creating and naming the script
- formatting / Formatting the script
- variables, adding for each control / Adding variables for each control
- function, adding for displaying variables / Adding a function to display the variables
- Convert function / Setting the resolution
- CurrentBarLength / Creating a 3D health bar
- custom inputs
- using / Using our custom inputs
- customization, controls
- about / Customization is key
- control schemes, swapping / Swapping control schemes
- control switch button, adding to GUI / Adding a control switch button to the GUI
- control inputs, cycling / Cycling control inputs
- controls pop up, adding to GUI / Adding the controls pop up to the GUI
- controls, resetting / Resetting the controls
- reset function, adding / Adding the Reset function
- Reset input, adding / Adding the Reset input
- 2D UI
- about / A traditional 2D UI
- scene, setting up / Setting up our scene
- housing / Housing our 2D UI
- GUI buttons, creating / Creating GUI buttons
- health bar, creating / Creating a health bar
- level counter / Level counter
- experience counter, creating / Creating an experience counter
- 3D damage reports
- creating / Creating 3D damage reports
- 3D health bar
- creating / Creating a 3D health bar
- 3D name tags
- creating / Creating 3D name tags
- 3D UI
- housing / Housing our 3D UI
- 3D health bar, creating / Creating a 3D health bar
- 3D damage reports, creating / Creating 3D damage reports
- new Update function / The new Update function
- damage reports, completing / Completing the damage reports
- 3D name tags, creating / Creating 3D name tags
- damage reports
- completing / Completing the damage reports
- Damage variable / Creating 3D damage reports
- data
- saving / Saving and loading
- loading / Saving and loading
- script, adding / Adding the script
- Delete function / Deleting our flat files
- DetectController function / Creating the detection function
- device detector
- creating / Creating the device detector
- variables, adding / Adding the variables needed
- detection function, creating / Creating the detection function
- identifier function, creating / Creating the identifier function
- directional pad inputs
- adding / Adding directional pad inputs
- enemy data, XML
- saving / Saving the enemy data
- loading / Loading the enemy data
- enemy stats
- affecting / Buff or debuff stats
- health changer / The health changer
- movement, adding / Adding movement
- triggers, detecting / Detecting triggers
- enum
- about / Creating control profiles
- environment
- setting up / Setting up the environment
- environment, melee item class
- interacting with / Let's interact with the environment
- environment, setting up
- NavMesh, creating / Creating the NavMesh
- variables, adding / Adding our variables
- navigation functions, scripting / Scripting the navigation functions
- experience counter
- creating / Creating an experience counter
- external actions
- field of view
- setting / Setting the field of view
- final coding touches / Final coding touches
- final preparations, game
- win conditions, adding / Adding win conditions
- AI, affecting / Affecting the AI
- items, finalizing / Finalizing the items
- levels, creating / Creating more levels
- finite state machines / Finite state machines
- First Person Controller / The playable level
- flat files
- saving with / Saving data with flat files
- required variables, adding / Adding the required variables
- saving / Time to save our file
- deleting / Deleting our flat files
- loading with / Loading our flat files
- loading / Time to load our file
- Footsteps Sounds Carpet Pack
- Future Weapons Set
- game
- pausing / Shooting and pausing
- shooting / Shooting and pausing
- potions, collecting / Collecting potions
- game settings
- optimization, figuring / Figuring out what to optimize
- GetJoystickNames function
- about / Creating the detection function
- gold spent
- tracking / Tracking the gold spent
- gold total
- tracking / Tracking the gold total
- Guard function / Scripting the actions
- displaying / Displaying the GUI
- running / Running the GUI
- creating / Creating the GUI
- implementing / Implementing the GUI
- _2D script, adding / Adding the script
- StatTracker script, adding / Adding the script
- GUI buttons
- creating / Creating GUI buttons
- GUI functions
- adding / Adding the GUI functions
- GUIStyle variable / Level counter
- GUI_2D script
- adding / Adding the script
- stats, tracking / Tracking stats
- health bar
- creating / Creating a health bar
- health changer, melee item class / The health changer
- health changer, projectile item class / The health changer
- health changer, self item class / The health changer
- identifier function
- creating / Creating the identifier function
- initializer
- creating / Creating the initializer
- InnerText property / Saving the player data
- Input.GetJoystickNames() / Creating the detection function
- input manager
- checking / Checking the input manager
- inspector
- filling out / Filling out the inspector
- internal actions
- int variable / Creating the adding function, Creating the removing function
- inventory
- features / Features of an inventory
- limits / Limits of the inventory
- accessing / Accessing the inventory
- organizing / Organizing an inventory
- displaying / Displaying the inventory, Let's display the inventory
- items, adding to / Let's figure this out
- items, removing from / Creating the removing function
- testing / Other things to try out
- inventory script
- creating / Creating the inventory script, Creating and naming the script
- naming / Creating and naming the script
- necessary variables, adding / Adding the necessary variables
- initializing / Initializing our inventory
- initializer, creating / Creating the initializer
- isControllerConnected variable
- using / Adding variables for each control
- item
- adding / Let's add an item
- item activator, self item class / The item activator
- item bartering / Item bartering
- item count modifications
- item bartering / Item bartering
- items, dropping / Dropping and picking up items
- items, picking / Dropping and picking up items
- items, destroying / Destroying and using items
- items, using / Destroying and using items
- items
- dropping / Dropping and picking up items
- picking / Dropping and picking up items
- destroying / Destroying and using items
- using / Destroying and using items
- adding / Adding items
- adding, to inventory / Let's figure this out
- adding function, creating / Creating the adding function
- removing / Removing items, Let's remove some items
- removing, from inventory / Let's figure this out
- removing function, creating / Creating the removing function
- finalizing / Finalizing the items
- level counter / Level counter
- levels
- creating / Creating levels, Creating more levels
- main menu / The main menu
- playable level / The playable level
- LoadEnemies function / The save anywhere-anytime system
- main menu, levels / The main menu
- Massive Multiplayer Online / Accessing the inventory
- melee item class
- about / The melee item class
- variables, adding / Adding our variables
- player stats, modifying / Buff or debuff stats
- MeleeType enum
- about / Adding our variables
- model mesh
- importing / Importing the model mesh
- movement, projectile item class
- navigation functions
- scripting / Scripting the navigation functions
- NavMesh
- creating / Creating the NavMesh
- NavMeshAgent object / Adding our variables
- necessary variables
- adding / Adding the necessary variables
- Notepad++
- URL / Creating our XML files
- Off state / Finite state machines
- OnGUI function
- about / Adding a function to display the variables
/ Showing our stats on the screen, Adding the GUI functions
- On state / Finite state machines
- pathfinding
- about / Pathfinding
- paths creating, waypoint system used / Creating paths using the waypoint system
- Unity's NavMesh system / Unity's NavMesh system
- environment, setting up / Setting up the environment
- paths
- creating, waypoint system used / Creating paths using the waypoint system
- PC and Xbox 360 Controller controls, switching
- about / Let's switch!
- control profiles, creating / Creating control profiles
- profile switching function, adding / Adding a profile switching function
- GUI interaction function, adding / Adding the GUI interaction function
- PC control inputs
- adding / Adding PC control inputs
- pitch property / Implementing the audio systems
- playable level / The playable level
- player
- prototype stats, assigning to / Assigning the stats to the player
- player's level
- tracking / Tracking the player's level
- player data, XML
- saving / Saving the player data
- loading / Loading the player data
- player interactions
- creating / Creating player interactions
- game, shooting / Shooting and pausing
- game, pausing / Shooting and pausing
- player kills
- tracking / Tracking the kills
- PlayerPrefs function / Saving all the values
- player stats
- adding / Buff or debuff stats
- subtracting / Buff or debuff stats
- player stats, melee item class
- health changer / The health changer
- environment, interacting with / Let's interact with the environment
- triggers, detecting / Detecting triggers
- player stats, self item class
- health changer / The health changer
- armor changer / The armor changer
- item activator / The item activator
- Play function / Scripting the animations, Adding a playlist system
- playlist system
- adding / Adding a playlist system
- playtest
- about / Playtesting, Playtesting
- playtest, stats
- playtest, steps
- about / Creating 3D name tags
- playtest, test scene
- playtesting
- about / Playtesting, Playtesting, Playtesting, Playtesting
- test scene, creating / Creating a test scene
- item, adding / Let's add an item
- items, removing / Let's remove some items
- playtesting, item classes
- potions
- collecting / Collecting potions
- prefs
- resetting / Resetting all of our prefs
- saving / Saving all of our prefs
- projectile item class
- about / The projectile item class
- variables, adding / Adding our variables
- enemy stats, affecting / Buff or debuff stats
- prototype stats
- about / Prototype stats
- assigning, to player / Assigning the stats to the player
- quality settings
- changing / Changing the quality settings
- quick-select items
- setting / Setting the quick-select items
- setting, quickly / Setting the quick-select items quickly
- inventory, displaying / Let's display the inventory
- custom inputs, using / Using our custom inputs
- GUI, displaying / Displaying the GUI
- GUI, running / Running the GUI
- Radius property / Creating the NavMesh
- random system
- creating / Creating a random system
- Rectangle variable / Adding the necessary variables
- RemoveAll function / Saving the enemy data
- required variables, flat files
- adding / Adding the required variables
- required variables, XML
- adding / Adding the required variables
- resolution
- setting / Setting the resolution
- rounds won
- tracking / Tracking the rounds won
- save anywhere-anytime system / The save anywhere-anytime system
- SaveEnemies function / The save anywhere-anytime system
- SaveHandler script
- creating / Creating the SaveHandler script
- checkpoint system / The checkpoint system
- save anywhere-anytime system / The save anywhere-anytime system
- scene
- setting up / Setting up our scene
- Scene filter / Creating the NavMesh
- screen
- stats, displaying on / Showing our stats on the screen
- script
- adding / Adding the script
- script, atmospheric sounds
- creating / Creating the script and variables
- script, sound effects
- creating / Creating the script and variables
- scripting / Let's start scripting!
- self item class
- about / The self item class
- variables, adding / Adding our variables
- player stats, adding / Buff or debuff stats
- player stats, subtracting / Buff or debuff stats
- SetDefaultValues() function
- about / Swapping control schemes
- SetNewKey function
- about / Adding the controls pop up to the GUI
- settings, video configurations
- loading / Loading the settings
- settings menu
- creating / Creating the settings menu
- code, preparing / Preparing the code
- GUI, creating / Creating the GUI
- values, saving / Saving all the values
- values, loading / Loading all the values
- shadows
- toggling / Toggling the shadows
- sound effects
- about / Sound effects
- script, creating / Creating the script and variables
- variables, creating / Creating the script and variables
- sounds
- adding / Adding all the sounds
- background music, playing / Playing the background music
- atmospheric sounds, adding / Adding the atmospheric sounds
- SpawnTime / The new Update function
- speaker mode
- setting / Setting the speaker mode
- specific achievement
- checking / Checking a specific achievement
- specific pref
- setting / Setting a specific pref
- resetting / Resetting a specific pref
- Speed variable
- Start() function / Creating a 3D health bar
- start button
- adding / Adding a start button and trigger inputs
- Start function / Adding win conditions
- stats
- setting / Setting the stats
- resetting / Resetting the stats
- displaying, on screen / Showing our stats on the screen
- tracking / Tracking stats
- stat tracker
- about / The stat tracker
- stats, setting / Setting the stats
- stats, resetting / Resetting the stats
- prefs, resetting / Resetting all of our prefs
- prefs, saving / Saving all of our prefs
- specific pref, setting / Setting a specific pref
- specific pref, resetting / Resetting a specific pref
- stats, displaying on screen / Showing our stats on the screen
- StatTracker script
- adding / Adding the script
- Step Height property / Creating the NavMesh
- StreamReader
- about / Time to load our file
- StreamWriter
- about / Time to save our file
- SwitchControlScheme() function
- about / Swapping control schemes
- techniques
- combining / Combining the techniques
- test scene
- creating / Creating a test scene
- TextMesh object / Creating 3D damage reports
- The Combat Collection Starter Edition
- The Elder Scrolls V$ Skyrim / Limits of the inventory, Displaying the inventory
- The Fantasy Music Collection (Starter)
- time played
- tracking / Tracking the time played
- Transform variable / Creating a 3D health bar
- trigger inputs
- adding / Adding a start button and trigger inputs
- triggers, melee item class
- detecting / Detecting triggers
- triggers, projectile item class
- detecting / Detecting triggers
- txtColor variable / Creating 3D damage reports
- Unity's NavMesh system / Unity's NavMesh system
- Update function
- about / The new Update function, Adding movement, Using our custom inputs
/ Playtesting, Implementing the audio systems, Adding win conditions
- using statement / Adding the necessary variables, Creating a random system
- values, audio configurations
- setting / Setting the values
- values, settings menu
- saving / Saving all the values
- loading / Loading all the values
- values, video configurations
- setting / Setting the values
- variables
- adding / Adding our variables
- initializing / Initializing the variables
- variables, atmospheric sounds
- creating / Creating the script and variables
- variables, melee item class
- adding / Adding our variables
- variables, projectile item class
- adding / Adding our variables
- variables, self item class
- adding / Adding our variables
- variables, sound effects
- creating / Creating the script and variables
- Vector3 variable / Creating a 3D health bar
- video configurations
- creating / Making video configurations
- values, setting / Setting the values
- shadows, toggling / Toggling the shadows
- field of view, setting / Setting the field of view
- resolution, setting / Setting the resolution
- anti-aliasing property, toggling / Toggling the anti-aliasing property
- vsync, setting / Setting vsync
- quality settings, changing / Changing the quality settings
- settings, loading / Loading the settings
- volumes
- configuring / Configuring the volumes
- vsync
- waypoint system
- used, for creating paths / Creating paths using the waypoint system
- win conditions
- adding / Adding win conditions
- World of Warcraft / Accessing the inventory
- Xbox 360 Controller
- inputs, checking / Checking the Xbox 360 Controller inputs
- saving with / Saving data with XML
- required variables, adding / Adding the required variables
- player data, saving / Saving the player data
- enemy data, saving / Saving the enemy data
- loading with / Loading data with XML
- player data, loading / Loading the player data
- enemy data, loading / Loading the enemy data
- XML files
- creating / Creating our XML files
- XML save system
- about / The XML save system
- XML files, creating / Creating our XML files