Publishing in the Asset Store
Something that makes it easy to create new video games in Unity is the huge community it has and, of course, the Asset Store—a virtual store where you can find and buy prebuilt assets that can be imported directly into your video game project. If you are making a video game, you can look in the Asset Store and save time buying tools that help you with your development or assets that complement your gameplay requirements.
Additionally, this creates a new business line where instead of developing your own videogames, you can create tools of contents to help people to make video games and earn money from the sales in the process.
In this section, you will learn how to publish our stuff in the Asset Store, as an example, we will continue using the AppBuilder tool.
Installing the Asset Store Tools
To start, open the AppBuilder project, and then in the Unity menu navigate to Window | Asset Store. This will open the Asset Store window. In the top-right corner of this window...