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Extending Unity with Editor Scripting

By : Angelo R Tadres Bustamante
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Extending Unity with Editor Scripting

By: Angelo R Tadres Bustamante

Overview of this book

One of Unity's most powerful features is the extensible editor it has. With editor scripting, it is possible to extend or create functionalities to make video game development easier. For a Unity developer, this is an important topic to know and understand because adapting Unity editor scripting to video games saves a great deal of time and resources. This book is designed to cover all the basic concepts of Unity editor scripting using a functional platformer video game that requires workflow improvement. You will commence with the basics of editor scripting, exploring its implementation with the help of an example project, a level editor, before moving on to the usage of visual cues for debugging with Gizmos in the scene view. Next, you will learn how to create custom inspectors and editor windows and implement custom GUI. Furthermore, you will discover how to change the look and feel of the editor using editor GUIStyles and editor GUISkins. You will then explore the usage of editor scripting in order to improve the development pipeline of a video game in Unity by designing ad hoc editor tools, customizing the way the editor imports assets, and getting control over the build creation process. Step by step, you will use and learn all the key concepts while creating and developing a pipeline for a simple platform video game. As a bonus, the final chapter will help you to understand how to share content in the Asset Store that shows the creation of custom tools as a possible new business. By the end of the book, you will easily be able to extend all the concepts to other projects.
Table of Contents (12 chapters)

Implementing the snap to grid behaviour

To create our first level in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Editor Scripting, we used a hot key to snap the level piece prefabs between them. Here, we will do the same, but instead of using the hot key, the level piece prefabs are going to snap to the grid automatically.

Here, we will assume that the Level game object position and rotation is always (0,0,0) and the scale is (1,1,1). Also, the 2D mode is selected by default.

Implementing the snap to grid behaviour

Later, we will work on how keep this configuration by default. Based on the grid we created, we need to implement a few things to achieve our goal:

  • A way to convert 3D coordinates to grid coordinates and vice versa
  • A way to know when these coordinates are outside the boundaries of the grid

Inside the Level class, add the following methods in the Level.cs script:

public Vector3 WorldToGridCoordinates(Vector3 point) {
  Vector3 gridPoint = new Vector3(
  (int)((point.x - transform.position.x) / GridSize) ,
  (int)((point.y - transform...