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Cocos2d-x by Example: Beginner's Guide

By : Roger Engelbert
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Cocos2d-x by Example: Beginner's Guide

By: Roger Engelbert

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Cocos2d-x by Example Beginner's Guide Second Edition
About the Author
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Time for action – reading accelerometer data

Just as you do with touch events, you need to tell the framework you want to read accelerometer data.

  1. You tell the framework you wish to use the accelerometer with this one call inside any Layer class:

  2. Then, just as you've done with touch events, you subscribe to the accelerometer events from the event dispatcher as follows:

    auto listenerAccelerometer =  
    EventListenerAcceleration::create(CC_CALLBACK_2 (GameLayer::onAcceleration, this));
    _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listenerAccelerometer,  this);
  3. In Eskimo, the accelerometer data changes the value of a Point vector called _acceleration.

    void GameLayer::onAcceleration(Acceleration *acc, Event *event) {
        _acceleration = Vec2(acc->x * ACCELEROMETER_MULTIPLIER,
                            acc->y * ACCELEROMETER_MULTIPLIER);

    This value is then read inside the main loop and used to move the Eskimo. In the game, only one axis is updated...