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Real-Time 3D Graphics with WebGL 2 - Second Edition

By : Farhad Ghayour, Diego Cantor
5 (1)
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Real-Time 3D Graphics with WebGL 2 - Second Edition

5 (1)
By: Farhad Ghayour, Diego Cantor

Overview of this book

As highly interactive applications have become an increasingly important part of the user experience, WebGL is a unique and cutting-edge technology that brings hardware-accelerated 3D graphics to the web. Packed with 80+ examples, this book guides readers through the landscape of real-time computer graphics using WebGL 2. Each chapter covers foundational concepts in 3D graphics programming with various implementations. Topics are always associated with exercises for a hands-on approach to learning. This book presents a clear roadmap to learning real-time 3D computer graphics with WebGL 2. Each chapter starts with a summary of the learning goals for the chapter, followed by a detailed description of each topic. The book offers example-rich, up-to-date introductions to a wide range of essential 3D computer graphics topics, including rendering, colors, textures, transformations, framebuffers, lights, surfaces, blending, geometry construction, advanced techniques, and more. With each chapter, you will "level up" your 3D graphics programming skills. This book will become your trustworthy companion in developing highly interactive 3D web applications with WebGL and JavaScript.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Writing ESSL Programs

Now, let's take a moment to step back and look at the big picture. ESSL allows us to implement a lighting strategy, provided that we define a shading method and a light reflection model. In this section, we will take a sphere as the object that we want to illuminate, and we will see how the selection of a lighting strategy changes the scene:

We will see two scenarios for Goraud interpolation: one with Lambertian and one with Phong reflections. We will only see one case for Phong interpolation; under Phong shading, the Lambertian reflection model is no different from a Phong reflection model where the ambient and specular components are set to 0.

Goraud Shading with Lambertian Reflections

The Lambertian...