foreach loops take each element in a collection and store it in a local variable, making it accessible inside the statement. The local variable type must match the collection element type to work properly. foreach loops can be used with arrays and lists, but they are especially useful with dictionaries, as they are not based on a numeric index.
In blueprint form, a foreach loop looks like this:
foreach(elementType localName in collectionVariable)
code block;
Let's stick with the questPartyMembers example and do a roll call for each of its elements:
List<string> questPartyMembers = new List<string>()
{ "Grim the Barbarian", "Merlin the Wise", "Sterling the Knight"};
foreach(string partyMember in questPartyMembers)
Debug.LogFormat("{0} - Here!", partyMember);
We can break this down as follows:
- The element type is declared as a string, which matches the values in questPartyMembers.
- A local variable, called...