A valid if-else statement requires the following:
- The if keyword at the beginning of the line
- A pair of parentheses to hold the condition
- A statement body:
if(condition is true)
Execute this line of code
However, if the statement body is more than a single line, it needs to have a pair of curly brackets to hold the bigger code block:
if(condition is true)
Execute multiple lines
of code
Optionally, an else statement can be added to store the action you want to take when the if statement condition fails. The same rules apply for the else statement:
Execute single line of code
// OR
Execute multiple lines
of code
In blueprint form, the syntax almost reads like a sentence:
if(condition is true)
Execute this code
Execute this code
Since these are great introductions to logical thinking, at least in programming, we'll break down the three different if-else variations in more detail...