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Creating an RTS Game in Unity 2023

By : Bruno Cicanci
4.5 (2)
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Creating an RTS Game in Unity 2023

4.5 (2)
By: Bruno Cicanci

Overview of this book

Building a successful real-time strategy game is challenging, because of both the complex mechanics and the need to strike a balance between different elements, ensuring that players enjoy creating and executing strategies against the game's AI. Creating an RTS Game in Unity 2023 will teach you how to install and set up the Unity game engine, create a new 3D project, and build a level editor to make it easier to modify and add maps to a game. The RTS game will start to take shape while you learn to implement different core systems such as melee and ranged battles, unit spawners, camera controls, dynamic mapping generation, basic enemy AI, and the pathfinder algorithm. You'll also get to grips with implementing command units to perform actions, crafting and producing resources, basic physics and collision detection, and building an RTS game from scratch using C# and the latest features of the Unity game engine. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to make professional and high-quality end-to-end RTS games using the best practices and techniques from the gaming industry.
Table of Contents (23 chapters)
Part 1: Foundations of RTS Games
Part 2: The Combat Units
Part 3: The Battlefield
Part 4: The Gameplay

Calculating the damage

Previously, we included all the enemy variations and reused most of the systems created for the units. However, as the project evolves, we have a new need to create a common class for both enemies and units to make it easier for the battle and collision scripts to handle both types of characters. It is a common practice to rework existing code to expand its functionality or improve its overall quality, which is called code refactoring.

We already have some classes used by units and enemies that, even though they are very specific, still share some properties and methods that are the same for both characters. Having a class with common code for both units and enemies will reduce the amount of duplicated code and improve the code usability. The updated versions of the data and component classes will be inherited from the common class for code reuse and will have only the implementation that is different and unique for each character.

Let us start with the...