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Learning Design Patterns with Unity

By : Harrison Ferrone
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Learning Design Patterns with Unity

By: Harrison Ferrone

Overview of this book

Struggling to write maintainable and clean code for your Unity games? Look no further! Learning Design Patterns with Unity empowers you to harness the fullest potential of popular design patterns while building exciting Unity projects. Through hands-on game development, you'll master creational patterns like Prototype to efficiently spawn enemies and delve into behavioral patterns like Observer to create reactive game mechanics. As you progress, you'll also identify the negative impacts of bad architectural decisions and understand how to overcome them with simple but effective practices. By the end of this Unity 2023 book, the way you develop Unity games will change. You'll emerge not just as a more skilled Unity developer, but as a well-rounded software engineer equipped with industry-leading design patterns.
Table of Contents (23 chapters)
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