The last component of the DOTS is the burst compiler. The burst compiler is a compiler that can compile a subset of C# into optimized native code. The main goal of Burst is to compile jobs so that they can be as fast and lightweight as possible.
The cool thing is that using the burst compiler is extremely easy. First, you need to install the Burst package from Window | Package Manager. Then, the only thing you need to change is to add the [BurstCompile] decorator on top of the job definitions as follows:
[BurstCompile] public struct RotatorJob : IJobForEach<Rotation, RotationSpeed> { [ReadOnly] public float deltaTime; public void Execute(ref Rotation rotation, [ReadOnly] ref RotationSpeed rotationSpeed) { rotation.Value = math.mul(math.normalize(rotation.Value), quaternion.AxisAngle...