Time for action — creating the pier frame rails with Bezier Curves
It may be hard to believe that you can make an entire pier with a rectangle, a Bezier Curve, a cube, and a cylinder, but that's what you are going to do next. The first step is to create a frame to carry the planks of the pier:
Select Object Mode from the 3D View header.
Press Numpad 7 to get the Top view. Press Numpad 5 to get the Ortho mode. Zoom into the edge between the port and the water.
In the Layers control in the 3D View header, select Layer 1 with theRMB and then select Layer 2 with Shift+RMB.
Press Shift+S and select Cursor to Center from the menu.
Click theLMB over the edge between the water and the port.
Press A to deselect any objects.
Press Shift+A and select Mesh and then Cube from the pop-up menus.
Press S, Y, 60, and Enter.
Press G, Z, 6, and Enter.
Press R, Z, 45, and Enter.
Move the cube so it is 2/3 over the water and 1/3 over the port. Center it along the waterfront as shown in the left side of the following...