Time for action — reducing render times
The basic idea here is reducing the work load. You want to turn off everything that you don't need:
Move the mouse over the Timeline window and go to the Current Editor type button in the lower-left corner of the window.
Select Text Editor from the menu as you learned in Chapter 9,Finishing your Sloop.
Select Text in the Text Editor header and choose Create Text Block from the pop-up menu.
In the Properties window header, select the Render button. It's the button with the still camera on it, second button from the left.
In the Dimensions subpanel make sure that the Resolution: percentage is no higher than 25%.
In the Text Editor, type Reduced resolution from 100% to 25%.
In the Properties window, Dimensions subpanel set the value of Frame Step: under Frame Range: to 2.
Select the Frame Rate: button and choose Custom.
Select the button that says FPS: 24 and input 12.
In the Text Editor, type Changed Step from 1 to 2, reduced Frame Rate from 24 to 12.
In the...