Time for action — adding squash and stretch to the animation
We talked about how using squash and stretch adds to how dynamic animation feels. It's easy to do, just taking a little extra time and a keyframe or two:
Use the arrow keys to move the current frame indicator in the Graph Editor back to frame 1.
Place your cursor over the 3D View window and check that the cube is still selected. If it isn't, select it with theRMB. Press I. Click theLMB on LocRotScale to simultaneously create keyframes for location, rotation, and scaling. Look in the Graph Editor to see the new curves.
Go to frame 20 and make another keyframe in the 3D View with LocRotScale.
In the Graph Editor, move the Current Frame Indicator to the frame where the curve is highest. In the 3D View, press I. Scroll up the menu to where it says Scaling. Make a keyframe for Scaling only.
Move the current frame indicator two frames ahead. Press S, Y, and then move the mouse to scale the cube in Y so that it is longer. Press theLMB to...