Time for action — assembling the ship's wheel
When using DupliVerts, Blender starts with a pattern mesh object, which in this case is the spoke. It makes an instance of the pattern mesh object and moves the copy to the location of a vertex on the base object, in your case, the circle. DupliVerts can also rotate the DupliVerted copy with respect to the center of the base object:
Select the circle with theRMB.
In the Properties window header, click on the Object button. It's the fifth button from the left.
In the Duplication subpanel, select the Verts button in the center. A Rotation checkbox will appear. Check it.
Select the spoke with theRMB. Then also select the circle again with Shift+RMB. Press Ctrl+P to parent the circle to the spoke. Choose Set Parent To Object in the menu.
Now you have all eight spokes, but the original spoke is still there. It can be seen in the following screenshot. Press F12 and render it, and you will see that the original spoke does not render.
In the 3D View header...