Adding an icon to your Android App
If you want your app to stand out from the crowd, you'll need a great icon, so people can easily find it on their device. This is probably the easiest recipe from this chapter, but you'll need to know about it if you want to distribute your app via the Android Market.
How to do it...
For this recipe, I made a really conceptual piece of software art, inspired by the visuals of ANBB. It's a red background with a white shape on top of it:
void setup() { size( displayWidth, displayHeight ); smooth(); } void draw() { // draw red background with white shape. background( 255, 0, 0 ); fill( 255 ); noStroke(); beginShape(); vertex( width/2, 0 ); vertex( width, height/2 ); vertex( width/2, height ); vertex( 0, height/2 ); endShape( CLOSE ); }
The icon I've designed is also red, with the same white shape. Go ahead and create something similar. Fire up your favorite image editor, design an icon of 72 x 72 pixels, and save it as icon-72.png...