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Unity Multiplayer Games

By : Alan R. Stagner
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Unity Multiplayer Games

By: Alan R. Stagner

Overview of this book

Unity is a game development engine that is fully integrated with a complete set of intuitive tools and rapid workflows used to create interactive 3D content. Multiplayer games have long been a staple of video games, and online multiplayer games have seen an explosion in popularity in recent years. Unity provides a unique platform for independent developers to create the most in-demand multiplayer experiences, from relaxing social MMOs to adrenaline-pumping competitive shooters. A practical guide to writing a variety of online multiplayer games with the Unity game engine, using a multitude of networking middleware from player-hosted games to standalone dedicated servers to cloud multiplayer technology. You can create a wide variety of online games with the Unity 4 as well as Unity 3 Engine. You will learn all the skills needed to make any multiplayer game you can think of using this practical guide. We break down complex multiplayer games into basic components, for different kinds of games, whether they be large multi-user environments or small 8-player action games. You will get started by learning networking technologies for a variety of situations with a Pong game, and also host a game server and learn to connect to it.Then, we will show you how to structure your game logic to work in a multiplayer environment. We will cover how to implement client-side game logic for player-hosted games and server-side game logic for MMO-style games, as well as how to deal with network latency, unreliability, and security. You will then gain an understanding of the Photon Server while creating a star collector game; and later, the Player.IO by creating a multiplayer RTS prototype game. You will also learn using PubNub with Unity by creating a chatbox application. Unity Multiplayer Games will help you learn how to use the most popular networking middleware available for Unity, from peer-oriented setups to dedicated server technology.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
Unity Multiplayer Games
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Browsing available servers

To browse the available servers, call MasterServer.RequestHostList. This takes one single parameter: the game type name (this is the same game type name you passed to RegisterHost).

This does not return anything, instead the result will be asynchronously downloaded, and the last known list of servers can be accessed via MasterServer.PollHostList. Additionally, to ensure you aren't using old data, you can call MasterServer.ClearHostList. For example, if the user hits the Refresh button in the lobby you might clear the host list and then request a new list from the Master Server.

The following script shows a lobby for users to browse available servers and connect to them:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleUnityNetworkingBrowseServers : MonoBehavior
  // are we currently trying to download a host list?
  private bool loading = false;

  // the current position within the scrollview
  private Vector2 scrollPos =;

  void Start()
    // immediately request a list of hosts

  void OnGUI()
    if( GUILayout.Button( "Refresh" ) )

    if( loading )
      GUILayout.Label( "Loading..." );
      scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView( scrollPos, GUILayout.Width( 200f ), GUILayout.Height( 200f ) );

      HostData[] hosts = MasterServer.PollHostList();
      for( int i = 0; i < hosts.Length; i++ )
        if( GUILayout.Button( hosts[i].gameName, GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ) ) )
          Network.Connect( hosts[i] );
      if( hosts.Length == 0 )
        GUILayout.Label( "No servers running" );


  void refreshHostList()
    // let the user know we are awaiting results from the master server
    loading = true;
    MasterServer.RequestHostList( "GameTypeNameHere" );

  // this is called when the Master Server reports an event to the client – for example, server registered successfully, host list received, etc
  void OnMasterServerEvent( MasterServerEvent msevent )
    if( msevent == MasterServerEvent.HostListReceived )
      // received the host list, no longer awaiting results
      loading = false;

The preceding code will list available servers registered to the Master Server. Clicking one of the buttons will call the Network.Connect function and connect to the corresponding server, and clicking on Refresh will display a Loading... message while results are fetched from the Master Server. There are a number of improvements and other tweaks that can be made to this code, left as an exercise for the reader:

  • Refresh the host list every few seconds. This should be done transparently, without displaying a "Loading" message.

  • Allow the user to add servers to a "favorites" list (possibly saved as CSV to PlayerPrefs), if your game allows players to run dedicated servers.

  • If the user attempts to connect to a password-protected game (HostData.passwordProtected is true), display a password entry field.

  • Save game information such as map, mode, and so on in the Comments field when registering a server, and allow the user to filter server results.