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Learn HTML5 by Creating Fun Games

By : Rodrigo Silveira
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Learn HTML5 by Creating Fun Games

By: Rodrigo Silveira

Overview of this book

HTML is fast, secure, responsive, interactive, and stunningly beautiful. It lets you target the largest number of devices and browsers with the least amount of effort. Working with the latest technologies is always fun and with a rapidly growing mobile market, it is a new and exciting place to be."Learn HTML5 by Creating Fun Games" takes you through the journey of learning HTML5 right from setting up the environment to creating fully-functional games. It will help you explore the basics while you work through the whole book with the completion of each game."Learn HTML5 by Creating Fun Games" takes a very friendly approach to teaching fun, silly games for the purpose of giving you a thorough grounding in HTML5. The book has only as much theory as it has to, often in tip boxes, with most of the information explaining how to create HTML5 canvas games. You will be assisted with lots of simple steps with screenshots building towards silly but addictive games.The book introduces you to HTML5 by helping you understand the setup and the underlying environment. As you start building your first game that is a typography game, you understand the significance of elements used in game development such as input types, web forms, and so on.We will see how to write a modern browser-compatible code while creating a basic Jelly Wobbling Game. Each game introduces you to an advanced topic such as vector graphics, native audio manipulation, and dragging-and-dropping. In the later section of the book, you will see yourself developing the famous snake game using requestAnimationFrame along with the canvas API, and enhancing it further with web messaging, web storage, and local storage. The last game of this book, a 2D Space shooter game, will then help you understand mobile design considerations.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)


Being able to play videos directly inside a browser without having to worry about plugins is quite a joyous experience. Not only that, but since the video element is actually a native part of the DOM, that means we can also deal with it the same way as we do with all other DOM elements. In other words, we can apply CSS styles to a video element and the browser is more than happy to make things work for us. For example, suppose we want to create the effect of the video being played on a shiny surface, where the video reflects vertically and the reflection fades out, blending into the background, as in the following screenshot:

Since the browser is in charge of rendering the video, as well as applying CSS styles and effects to all elements being managed by it, we don't have to worry about the logic involved in rendering a video with special effects added to it. Keep in mind, however, that the more CSS we throw on top of the video, the more work the browser will have to do to make the...