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OUYA Game Development by Example

By : John Donovan
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OUYA Game Development by Example

By: John Donovan

Overview of this book

The OUYA console and development kit gives you the power to publish video games for the players, creating a console marketplace of the gamers, for the gamers, and by the gamers. Using the OUYA developer kit and the Unity3D game engine, even beginners with a captivating game idea can bring it to life with a hint of imagination. OUYA Game Development by Example uses a series of feature-based, step-by-step tutorials that teach beginners how to integrate essential elements into a game engine and then combine them to form a polished gaming experience.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
OUYA Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Time for action – manipulating the scene

When you've opened your project, you'll notice that there's only one object in your Hierarchy menu by default; the Main Camera object, which projects the game screen. Now perform the following steps:

  1. Select that camera by clicking on it in the Hierarchy menu once. While the camera is selected, you can see an outline of its view plane in the Scene window.


    Think of the camera in Unity as a cameraman on a movie set. Everything he sees ends up on the screen, and if something is out of his view, it doesn't make it into the movie. As a developer, you can see everything in your Unity scene at all times, but when you publish your game, the player will only be able to see what the camera captures. Don't worry about this yet—we'll get into camera programming later.

    You'll also notice that while the camera is selected, there are three colored arrows pointing in different directions from the camera's origin. These arrows represent the three axes of position in...