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Open Text Metastorm ProVision 6.2 Strategy Implementation

By : Bill Aronson
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Open Text Metastorm ProVision 6.2 Strategy Implementation

By: Bill Aronson

Overview of this book

Open Text ProVision® (formerly known as Metastorm ProVision®) is an Enterprise Architecture (EA) solution allowing for effective planning and decision making throughout the enterprise. It enables an organization to have a central repository of information about the business, reducing organizational risks and better optimizing business resources. Implemented well, it enables better and more actionable decisions exactly when you need them.This book combines theory and practice to provide a step- by- step guide to building a successful customer- centric model of your business. The approach is simple and down to earth, and along the way, with various real-world examples, you will learn how to make a business case, use a framework, and adopt a methodology with Open Text ProVision®. This book draws on the experience of ProVision® experts around the world. By combining theory with practice from the field you can avoid common mistakes and develop a successful customer centric strategy for implementing ProVision®. Each chapter builds on the previous one to give you the confidence to implement a central repository, dealing with both the technical and human issues that you might face.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Open Text Metastorm ProVision® 6.2 Strategy Implementation
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Chapter 5. Implementing Effective Governance

This chapter describes how to design a governance structure that will support modeling activities, that is the creation and maintenance of models. The governance of the organization is out of scope of this discussion. We are only interested in the candidate topics for inclusion in the central repository.

Too often modeling is seen as a technical function and is conducted in a vacuum. Getting the governance right is a key to successful strategy. By ensuring that all key stakeholders are involved, the models will reflect the higher needs of the business. In this chapter we discuss four topics around governance:

  • Who needs to be involved?

  • Agile Management

  • How to model a governance structure?

  • What to do if there is no governance?