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User Training for Busy Programmers

By : William Rice
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User Training for Busy Programmers

By: William Rice

Overview of this book

If you need to write a successful software training course and are unsure of how to start, then this book gets right to the point with clear, concise directions for developing an end-user software course. This step-by-step job aid walks you through the process of developing a successful, instructor-led software class. There are many good books on training theory. This book takes a more practical, condensed approach for when you don't have time to learn training theory. It is based on fifteen years of technical writing and training experience. In under 100 pages, the book guides you through the process of developing an end-user software course using a method that is tested, proven, and based upon sound instructional theory.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Chapter 6. Package the Course

You need to create two packages for the course: a Student Guide and an Instructor Guide. The Student Guide is the simplest to create, so let’s start there.

The Student Guide

The Student Guide consists of five parts:

  • The table of contents

  • An introduction

  • Printouts of the slides used in the class

  • Directions for the in-class exercises

  • A listing of resources and contacts for getting help after the class

The following subsections describe each part in detail.

Table of Contents

Generate the table of contents after you have assembled the other parts of the Student Guide. If your word processing software gives you the option, also generate a table of graphics when you generate the table of contents. This will make it easier for students to find screenshots when they use the Student Guide for reference.


The introduction will help students ensure that they are the right people to attend the class, that they are prepared for it, and that it will be relevant to them...