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3D printing with RepRap Cookbook

By : Salinas
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3D printing with RepRap Cookbook

By: Salinas

Overview of this book

A systematic guide consisting of over 100 recipes which focus on helping you understand the process of 3D printing using RepRap machines. The book aims at providing professionals with a series of working recipes to help make their fuzzy notions into real, saleable projects/objects using 3D printing technology. This book is for novice designers and artists who own a RepRap-based 3D printer, have fundamental knowledge of its working, and who desire to gain better mastery of the printing process. For the more experienced user, it will provide a handy visual resource, with side-by-side comparisons of the two most popular slicers, Skeinforge and Slic3r. A basic understanding of designing and modeling principles and elementary knowledge of digital modeling would be a plus.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Storage of 3D printing filaments

Storage is an important factor with all of these materials. All filaments will absorb moisture, which makes storing in a low-humidity environment preferable. An airtight, plastic storage container or heavy-duty Ziploc storage bag with desiccant is helpful.

If a filament has absorbed moisture, the usual symptom is the sputtering of filament material when it extrudes. This is caused when the moisture stored in the filament surpasses the boiling point of water in the heat chamber and exits the nozzle in bursts of steam.

It is possible to dry out small portions of filament in a normal kitchen oven. Lay the filament on a nonstick surface such as a tin foil and heat it at around 55 to 75 degrees Celsius for an hour. PLA shouldn't be heated over 50 degrees Celsius. Care must be exercised while drying all materials or the filament will deform if heated too much. Move the filament around during the heating and cooling processes to prevent sticking.