Using Skeinforge with a 0.5 mm nozzle
In this recipe, we will run a series of tests using the 0.5 mm nozzle to print in 0.4 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.2 mm, and 0.1 mm layers.
Registering a bore size in Skeinforge is not a simple task. It requires you to calculate a ratio for each layer of a different thickness. Following the steps in this recipe will help you understand the process and make it easy to make adjustments for any change in the nozzle size or print layer.
If you don't have a 0.5 mm nozzle, then refer to the following recipe that covers your nozzle size.
Getting ready
The Thingiverse website is a file-sharing site of user-created digital designs. It has many small models that can be used to make quick and efficient print tests. We'll use the one that's designed for surface calibration. It's a good shape for testing resolutions and small enough to print quickly, without much filament waste. It can be downloaded at
How to do it...
We will proceed as follows: