- accelerometer
- about / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- altimeter
- about / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- amcl
- about / Defining terms
- amcl node
- Android packages
- reference / Introducing ROS-Android development
- Android Studio package
- reference / Installing Android Studio and Tools
- Apache Ant
- about / Defining terms
- API, cascade classifier object detection
- reference / Face detection with a cascade classifier
- application programming interface (API) / Baxter, the research robot
- Arduino
- references / Installing the Arduino IDE software
- ultrasonic sensor control / Ultrasonic sensor control using ROS and Arduino
- Arduino, using for creating ROS nodes
- about / Using Arduino
- Arduino IDE software, installing / Installing the Arduino IDE software
- ROS Arduino software, installing / Installing the ROS Arduino software
- Arduino applications
- ROS and Arduino, using / Other applications using ROS and Arduino
- reference / Other applications using ROS and Arduino
- Arduino IDE software
- reference / Installing the Arduino IDE software
- installing / Installing the Arduino IDE software
- Arduino UNO
- arm joints, Baxter
- about / Baxter's arms
- pitch joints / Baxter's pitch joints
- roll joints / Baxter's roll joints
- coordinate frame / Baxter's coordinate frame
- control modes / Control modes for Baxter's arms
- grippers / Baxter's grippers
- sensors / Baxter's arm sensors
- arm sensors, Baxter
- about / Baxter's arm sensors
- articulated robot arm, controlling in Gazebo
- about / Controlling an articulated robot arm in Gazebo
- Gazebo-specific elements, adding / Adding Gazebo-specific elements
- robot arm, fixing to world / Fixing the robot arm to the world
- robot arm, viewing in Gazebo / Viewing the robot arm in Gazebo
- controls, adding to Xacro robot / Adding controls to the Xacro
- robot arm, controlling with ROS command line / Controlling your robot arm with the ROS command line
- robot arm, controlling with with rqt / Controlling your robot arm with rqt
- articulated robot arm URDF, building with Xacro
- about / Building an articulated robot arm URDF using Xacro
- Xacro property tag, using / Using the Xacro property tag
- roslaunch, using for rrbot / Using roslaunch for rrbot
- Xacro include and macro tags, using / Using Xacro include and macro tags
- mesh, adding to robot arm / Adding mesh to the robot arm
- ASUS sensor
- about / ASUS
- audio-common packages
- autonomous navigation, with TurtleBot
- about / Autonomous navigation with TurtleBot
- terms, defining / Defining terms
- driving, without steering TurtleBot / Driving without steering TurtleBot
- rviz control / rviz control
- navigation task, accomplishing / How does TurtleBot accomplish this navigation task?
- banking
- about / Defining roll, pitch, and yaw
- barometer
- about / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- Baxter
- about / Introducing Baxter
- tasks / Introducing Baxter
- manufacturing version / Introducing Baxter
- technical specifications / Introducing Baxter
- research robot / Baxter, the research robot
- arm joints / Baxter's arms
- Baxter's arms, flexing
- about / Flexing Baxter's arms
- untuck command / Tucking and untucking
- tuck command / Tucking and untucking
- arms, wobbling / Wobbling arms
- arms, controlling with keyboard / Controlling arms and grippers with a keyboard
- arms, controlling with joystick / Controlling arms and grippers with a joystick
- arms, controlling with Python script / Controlling arms with a Python script
- arm movements, recording / Recording and replaying arm movements
- arm movements, replaying / Recording and replaying arm movements
- Baxter SDK software
- installing / Installing Baxter SDK software
- Baxter shell
- configuring / Configuring the Baxter shell
- Baxter Simulator
- about / Baxter Simulator
- references / Baxter Simulator
- installing / Installing Baxter Simulator
- Baxter Simulator, launching in Gazebo
- about / Launching Baxter Simulator in Gazebo
- Baxter Simulator, starting up / Bringing Baxter Simulator to life
- warm-up exercises / Warm-up exercises
- Baxters arm's, flexing / Flexing Baxter's arms
- Baxter's arm controllers, tuning / Tuning Baxter's arm controllers
- Baxter software
- loading / Loading the Baxter software
- Baxter troubleshooting
- reference / Launching Baxter Simulator in Gazebo
- references / Configuring a real Baxter setup
- Bebop
- about / Introducing Bebop
- references / Introducing Bebop
- preparing, to fly / Preparing to fly Bebop
- communications, testing / Testing Bebop communications
- flying, commands used / Flying Bebop using commands
- take off / Take off
- landing / Landing
- bebop_automony package
- bebop_driver / Loading bebop_autonomy software
- bebop_msgs / Loading bebop_autonomy software
- bebop_tools / Loading bebop_autonomy software
- bebop_autonomy software
- about / Introducing Bebop
- loading / Loading bebop_autonomy software
- Bitcraze VM
- reference / Controlling Crazyflie without ROS
- blue-green-red (BGR) / Detecting Crazyflie and a target
- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) / Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
- Broadcom system on a chip (SOC) / Using Raspberry Pi
- Care-o-bot research platform
- reference / Using ROS package cob_people_detection
- Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) / Sphinx
- cascade classifier
- reference / Face detection with a cascade classifier
- catkin workspace
- creating / Creating a catkin workspace
- reference / Creating a catkin workspace
- cheat sheet / Bringing Baxter Simulator to life
- clockwise (CW) / How do quadrotors fly?
- CMU Pocketsphinx speech recognizer
- reference / Sphinx
- CMU Sphinx
- cob_people_detection package
- reference / Using ROS package cob_people_detection
- Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) sensor / How these 3D vision sensors work
- Compressed Real-Time Protocol (CRTP) / Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
- control modes, Baxter's arm
- Joint Position Control / Control modes for Baxter's arms
- Joint Velocity Control / Control modes for Baxter's arms
- Joint Torque Control / Control modes for Baxter's arms
- Raw Joint Position Control / Control modes for Baxter's arms
- reference / Control modes for Baxter's arms
- controls, adding to Xacro robot
- about / Adding controls to the Xacro
- transmission elements, defining for joints / Defining transmission elements for joints
- Gazebo ROS control plugin, adding / Adding a Gazebo ROS control plugin
- YAML configuration file, creating / Creating a YAML configuration file
- control launch file, creating / Creating a control launch file
- coordinate frame, Baxter
- about / Baxter's coordinate frame
- counterclockwise (CCW) / How do quadrotors fly?
- Crazyflie
- about / Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
- controlling / How to control Crazyflie
- Crazyflie, flying
- about / Flying Crazyflie
- hovering, in one place / Hovering in place
- hover, working / What makes hover work?
- flying, to stationary target / Flying to a stationary target
- target detection, working / What makes target detection work?
- learned lessons / Learned lessons
- messages, logging with rosout and rospy / Logging messages with rosout and rospy
- crazyflie/baselink frame / How to track Crazyflie
- Crazyflie 2.0
- system design / Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
- references / Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
- controlling, without ROS / Controlling Crazyflie without ROS
- communicating, with Crazyradio PA / Communicating using Crazyradio PA
- Crazyflie ROS software, loading / Loading Crazyflie ROS software
- udev rules, setting up for Crazyradio / Setting up udev rules for Crazyradio
- pre-flight checks / Pre-flight check
- flying, with teleop / Flying Crazyflie with teleop
- flying, with motion capture system / Flying with a motion capture system
- multiple Crazyflies, flying / Flying multiple Crazyflies
- Crazyflie2.0
- about / Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
- Crazyflie control states
- about / Crazyflie control states
- land / Crazyflie control states
- idle / Crazyflie control states
- takeoff / Crazyflie control states
- hover / Crazyflie control states
- flight / Crazyflie control states
- ROS services, for controlling takeoff and land / Using ROS services to control takeoff and land
- takeoff and land, activating / Activating takeoff and land
- takeoff and land, working / What makes takeoff and land work?
- PID control, for hover and flight states / Using PID control for hover and flight
- observer node, using / Using an observer node
- crazyflie metapackage
- reference / Crazyflie operation
- Crazyflie PC client
- references / Controlling Crazyflie without ROS
- Crazyflie Python client (PC) software / Controlling Crazyflie without ROS
- Crazyradio firmware
- reference / Communicating using Crazyradio PA
- about / Installing libfreenect2
- custom control, ROS robot with Android device
- about / Custom control of ROS robot using an Android device
- Android Studio and Tools, installing / Installing Android Studio and Tools
- ROS-Android development environment, installing / Installing an ROS-Android development environment
- terms, defining / Defining terms
- ROS-Android development / Introducing ROS-Android development
- custom ROS Android device interface
- creating / Creating a custom ROS Android device interface
- Turtlebot Remocon, playing with / Playing with Turtlebot Remocon
- custom ROS game controller interface
- 3D calibration
- reference / kinect2_calibration
- 3D sensors
- reference / How these 3D vision sensors work
- comparing / Comparison of 3D sensors
- Microsoft Kinect / Microsoft Kinect
- PrimeSense Carmine / ASUS
- drawbacks / Obstacle avoidance drawbacks
- testing, in standalone mode / Testing the 3D sensor in standalone mode
- 3D sensor software installation
- about / Configuring TurtleBot and installing the 3D sensor software
- Kinect sensors / Kinect
- ASUS / ASUS and PrimeSense
- PrimeSense / ASUS and PrimeSense
- camera software structure / Camera software structure
- terms, defining / Defining terms
- depth cloud / Defining terms
- point cloud / Defining terms
- Registered DepthCloud / Defining terms
- Registered PointCloud / Defining terms
- 3D vision systems
- about / 3D vision systems for TurtleBot
- 3D vision sensors, working / How these 3D vision sensors work
- 3D vision sensors, comparing / Comparison of 3D sensors
- 7 DOF arms
- reference / Baxter's arms
- Debian package
- reference / Installing the Arduino IDE software
- Degrees-Of-Freedom (DOF) / Introducing Baxter
- demo software
- reference / Visual servoing and grasping
- drones / Following the rules and regulations
- Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit (DART) / Gazebo
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) / Types of networks
- Echo pin / Ultrasonic sensor control using ROS and Arduino
- Eigenfaces / Using ROS package face_detector
- Environment toolbar, Gazebo
- about / Environment toolbar
- selection mode / Environment toolbar
- translation mode / Environment toolbar
- rotation mode / Environment toolbar
- scale mode / Environment toolbar
- experience errors
- references / Installing libfreenect2
- Extensible Markup Language (XML) / ROS manifest
- face datasets
- reference / Face recognition with OpenCV
- face detection, with cascade classifier
- about / Face detection with a cascade classifier
- ROS package face_detector, using / Using ROS package face_detector
- face recognition, with OpenCV
- about / Face recognition with OpenCV
- reference / Face recognition with OpenCV
- ROS package cob_people_detection, using / Using ROS package cob_people_detection
- ROS package face_recognition, using / Using ROS package face_recognition
- face recognition capabilities, OpenCV
- reference / Face recognition with OpenCV
- FaceRecognition methods
- reference / Using ROS package face_recognition
- FaceRecognizer class
- reference / Face recognition with OpenCV
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- about / Following the rules and regulations
- reference / Following the rules and regulations
- field of view (FOV) / Kinect for Windows v2
- Field Service Menu (FSM) / Configuring a real Baxter setup
- Fisherfaces / Using ROS package face_detector
- fixed-pitch propellers
- about / Introducing quadrotors
- forward kinematic analysis, Baxter's arms
- about / Baxter's arms and forward kinematics
- joints / Joints and joint state publisher
- joint state publisher / Joints and joint state publisher
- tf / Understanding tf
- Baxter's arms, moving to zero positions in angles / A program to move Baxter's arms to a zero angle position
- rviz tf frames / Rviz tf frames
- tf tree, of robot elements / Viewing a tf tree of robot elements
- game controller
- testing / Testing a game controller
- alternative test / Alternative test of a game controller
- testing, ROS joy package used / Using the joy ROS package
- Gazebo
- about / Gazebo
- installing / Installing and launching Gazebo
- reference / Installing and launching Gazebo
- launching / Installing and launching Gazebo
- reference, for tutorials / Installing and launching Gazebo
- roslaunch, using with / Using roslaunch with Gazebo
- using / Using Gazebo
- reference, for keyboard shortcuts / Using Gazebo
- Environment toolbar / Environment toolbar
- World panel / World and Insert panels
- Insert panel / World and Insert panels
- Joints panel / Joints panel
- main window menu bar / Main window menu bar
- Simulation panel / Simulation panel
- robot URDF, modifying / Modifications to the robot URDF
- model, verifying / Verifying a Gazebo model
- URDF, viewing / Viewing the URDF in Gazebo
- model, tweaking / Tweaking your model
- model, moving around / Moving your model around
- ROS simulation environments / Other ROS simulation environments
- Gazebo Troubleshooting page
- reference / Bringing Baxter Simulator to life
- global costmap
- about / Defining terms
- global navigation
- about / Defining terms
- global_costmap
- gmapping package
- reference / How does TurtleBot accomplish this mapping task?
- GNU Image Manipulator Program (GIMP) software / Identifying markers in a color image
- GPS system
- reference / Adding sensors
- Gradle
- about / Defining terms
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) / Rviz
- graphics processing unit (GPU) / Kinect for Windows v2
- grippers, Baxter
- about / Baxter's grippers
- gyroscope
- about / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- hardware specifications, TurtleBot
- about / TurtleBot hardware specifications
- TurtleBot dashboard / TurtleBot dashboard
- Hector Quadrotor
- about / Introducing Hector Quadrotor
- loading / Loading Hector Quadrotor
- launching, in Gazebo / Launching Hector Quadrotor in Gazebo
- flying outdoors / Flying Hector outdoors
- flying indoors / Flying Hector indoors
- hector_quadrotor metapackage
- hector_quadrotor_description / Introducing Hector Quadrotor
- hector_quadrotor_gazebo / Introducing Hector Quadrotor
- hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins / Introducing Hector Quadrotor
- hector_gazebo_plugins / Introducing Hector Quadrotor
- hector_quadrotor_teleop / Introducing Hector Quadrotor
- hector_quadrotor_demo / Introducing Hector Quadrotor
- hector_quadrotor software
- reference / Loading Hector Quadrotor
- hue-saturation and value (HSV) / Detecting Crazyflie and a target
- iai_kinect2
- installing / Installing iai_kinect2
- reference / Installing iai_kinect2
- iai_kinect2 calibration instructions
- reference / kinect2_calibration
- iai_kinect2 metapackage
- using / Using the iai_kinect2 metapackage
- kinect2_calibration / Using the iai_kinect2 metapackage
- kinect2_registration / Using the iai_kinect2 metapackage
- kinect2_bridge / Using the iai_kinect2 metapackage, kinect2_bridge and kinect2_viewer
- kinect2_viewer / Using the iai_kinect2 metapackage, kinect2_bridge and kinect2_viewer
- kinect2_calibration tool / kinect2_calibration
- image registration / Installing libfreenect2
- Image Viewer
- about / Visual data using Image Viewer
- inertial measurement unit (IMU)
- about / Inertial measurement unit
- infrared (IR) sensor / Installing iai_kinect2
- input/output (I/O) pins / Using Arduino
- integrated development environment (IDE) / Installing Android Studio and Tools
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- Internet Protocol address (IP address) / Network addresses
- Inverse Kinematic (IK)
- about / Inverse kinematics
- references / Inverse kinematics
- demonstrating / Inverse kinematics
- Java Archive (JAR)
- about / Defining terms
- command
- reference / Commanding joint torque springs
- joint_velocity_wobbler operation
- reference / Wobbling arms
- jstest-gtk package
- about / Testing a game controller
- reference / Testing a game controller
- keyboard teleoperation
- using, for moving TurtleBot / Using keyboard teleoperation to move TurtleBot
- kinect2_bridge software
- reference / kinect2_bridge and kinect2_viewer
- kinect2_calibration tool
- about / kinect2_calibration
- Kinect, calibrating / Calibrating your Kinect
- kinect2_ir_optical_frame / How to track Crazyflie
- Kinect Software Develoment Kit (SDK)
- about / Microsoft Kinect
- Kinect v2
- about / Kinect for Windows v2
- levels, logging messages / Logging messages with rosout and rospy
- libfreenect2
- installing / Installing libfreenect2
- about / Installing libfreenect2
- reference / Installing libfreenect2
- libfreenect2 driver
- reference / Installing libfreenect2
- line-of-sight (LOS) / Communicating using Crazyradio PA
- lmtool
- reference / Sphinx
- Local Binary Patterns (LBPs) / Face detection with a cascade classifier
- local costmap
- about / Defining terms
- localization
- about / Defining terms
- local navigation
- about / Defining terms
- local_costmap
- /myandroid workspace
- android_core / Introducing ROS-Android development
- android_extras / Introducing ROS-Android development
- android_apps / Introducing ROS-Android development
- android_remocons / Introducing ROS-Android development
- magnetometer
- about / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- manifest / ROS manifest
- map
- about / Defining terms
- Maven
- about / Defining terms
- metapackages / ROS packages and manifest
- micro air vehicle (MAV)
- about / Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
- Microcontroller Unit (MCU) / Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
- Microsoft Kinect
- about / Microsoft Kinect
- mission, setting up
- about / Setting up the mission
- Crazyflie, detecting / Detecting Crazyflie and a target
- target, detecting / Detecting Crazyflie and a target
- markers, identifying in color image / Identifying markers in a color image
- problems, with target detection / Problems with target detection
- markers, detecting and viewing with OpenCV / Detecting and viewing markers with OpenCV
- Kinect, using / Using Kinect and OpenCV
- OpenCV, using / Using Kinect and OpenCV
- Crazyflie, tracking / How to track Crazyflie
- mission components
- about / Mission components
- Kinect for Windows v2 / Kinect for Windows v2
- Crazyflie operation / Crazyflie operation
- mission software structure / Mission software structure
- Open CV / OpenCV and ROS
- ROS / OpenCV and ROS
- MoveIt
- installing / Installing MoveIt
- about / Installing MoveIt, Introducing MoveIt
- reference / Installing MoveIt
- Baxter's arms, moving with / Planning a move of Baxter's arms with MoveIt
- objects, adding to scene / Adding objects to a scene
- position of objects / Position of objects
- obstacles, avoiding with / Planning a move to avoid obstacles with MoveIt
- move_base node
- National Institute for Information and Communication Technology (NICT)
- about / rospeex
- navigation, with TurtleBot
- room, mapping with TurtleBot / Mapping a room with TurtleBot
- autonomous navigation / Autonomous navigation with TurtleBot
- netbook and remote computer, networking
- about / Networking the netbook and remote computer
- network types / Types of networks
- network addresses / Network addresses
- remote computer network setup / Remote computer network setup
- netbook network setup / Netbook network setup
- Secure Shell (SSH) connection / Secure Shell (SSH) connection
- network setup / Summary of network setup
- network connection, troubleshooting / Troubleshooting your network connection
- TurtleBot system, testing / Testing the TurtleBot system
- (Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) / Gazebo
- Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (OGRE) / Gazebo
- object tracking
- reference / Detecting Crazyflie and a target
- Occupancy Grid Map (OGM)
- about / Defining terms
- odometry, TurtleBot
- about / TurtleBot's odometry, Defining terms
- for simulated TurtleBot / Odom for the simulated TurtleBot
- display, in rviz / Real TurtleBot's odometry display in rviz
- OpenCV
- URL / OpenCV and ROS
- OpenCV GitHub data repository
- reference / Using ROS package face_recognition
- Open Graphics Library (OpenGL)
- about / Installing libfreenect2
- Open Natural Interaction (OpenNI2) / Installing libfreenect2
- OpenSource Computer Vision (OpenCV)
- about / Microsoft Kinect
- Open Source Robotics Foundation (OSRF) / Who controls ROS?
- Oracle JDK
- reference / Installing Android Studio and Tools
- Parameter Server
- about / Parameter Server
- Parameter Server, turtlesim
- about / Parameter Server of turtlesim
- rosparam help / rosparam help
- rosparam list, for /turtlesim node / rosparam list for /turtlesim node
- parameters, changing for turtle background color / Change parameters for the color of the turtle's background
- rosparam get / rosparam get
- rosparam set / rosparam set
- PID, for quadrotor
- reference / How do quadrotors fly?
- pitch joints, Baxter
- about / Baxter's pitch joints
- Playstation (PS) 3 USB controller / Controlling Crazyflie without ROS
- Point Cloud Library (PCL) / Camera software structure
- PrimeSense Carmine
- about / ASUS
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) / Using ROS package face_recognition
- Printed Circuit Board (PCB) / Flying Crazyflie with teleop
- proportional-integral-derivative (PID) / Creating a YAML configuration file
- Protonect / Installing libfreenect2
- PS3 joystick controller
- reference / Controlling arms and grippers with a joystick
- quadrotor
- preparing, to fly / Preparing to fly your quadrotor
- tutorials / Preparing to fly your quadrotor
- testing / Testing your quadrotor
- pre-flight checklist / Pre-flight checklist
- precautions / Precautions when flying your quadrotor
- rules and regulations / Following the rules and regulations
- quadrotor communications
- about / Quadrotor communications
- GPS / Quadrotor communications
- Wi-Fi / Quadrotor communications
- bluetooth / Quadrotor communications
- Radio Frequency (RF) / Quadrotor communications
- quadrotors
- about / Introducing quadrotors
- reference / Introducing quadrotors, Adding sensors
- characteristics / Why are quadrotors so popular?
- roll / Defining roll, pitch, and yaw
- pitch / Defining roll, pitch, and yaw
- yaw / Defining roll, pitch, and yaw
- counter-rotating propellers / How do quadrotors fly?
- flying / How do quadrotors fly?
- components / Components of a quadrotor
- sensors, adding / Adding sensors
- communication methods / Quadrotor communications
- quadrotor sensors
- about / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- gyroscope / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- accelerometer / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- altimeter / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- barometer / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- magnetometer / Understanding quadrotor sensors
- inertial measurement unit (IMU) / Inertial measurement unit
- condition sensors / Quadrotor condition sensors
- quarter high definition (qhd) / Installing iai_kinect2
- quaternion / ROS commands and Gazebo
- Raspberry Pi
- references / Using Raspberry Pi
- ROS, installing / Installing ROS on the Raspberry Pi
- reference / Installing ROS on the Raspberry Pi
- Raspbian / Using Raspberry Pi
- real Baxter
- controlling / Controlling a real Baxter
- joint position waypoints, commanding / Commanding joint position waypoints
- joint torque springs, commanding / Commanding joint torque springs
- joint velocity, demonstrating / Demonstrating joint velocity
- additional examples / Additional examples
- visual servoing control / Visual servoing and grasping
- grasping / Visual servoing and grasping
- real Baxter setup
- configuring / Configuring a real Baxter setup
- rectified image / Installing iai_kinect2
- repository, face_recognition source code
- reference / Using ROS package face_recognition
- Rethink wiki
- RoboCup@Home contest / Sphinx
- robot
- enabling, to speak / Enabling a robot to speak
- robot, controlling with voice
- about / Controlling a robot with your voice
- Sphinx, used / Sphinx
- rospeex metapackage / rospeex
- robot, enabling for recognition
- about / Enabling a robot to recognize faces
- face detection, with cascade classifier / Face detection with a cascade classifier
- OpenCV, used / Face recognition with OpenCV
- robot URDF, modifications
- about / Modifications to the robot URDF
- Gazebo tag, adding / Adding the Gazebo tag
- color, specifying in Gazebo / Specifying color in Gazebo
- <visual> elements, in Gazebo / A word about <visual> and <collision> elements in Gazebo
- <collision> elements, in Gazebo / A word about <visual> and <collision> elements in Gazebo
- rocon (robots in concert) software / Loading TurtleBot simulator software
- Rocon Remocon / Creating a custom ROS Android device interface
- roll joints, Baxter
- about / Baxter's roll joints
- room, mapping with TurtleBot
- about / Mapping a room with TurtleBot
- terms, defining / Defining terms
- map, building / Building a map
- mapping task, accomplishing / How does TurtleBot accomplish this mapping task?
- used, by robots / What does ROS do and what are the benefits of learning ROS?, Which robots are using ROS?
- controlling / Who controls ROS?
- launching / Installing and launching ROS
- using, with UAVs / Using ROS with UAVs
- installing, on Raspberry Pi / Installing ROS on the Raspberry Pi
- ROS, on Raspberry Pi
- references, for examples / Installing ROS on the Raspberry Pi
- ROS-Indigo installation instructions
- reference / Installing and launching Gazebo
- ROS Android core libraries
- ROS Android tutorials
- reference / Introducing ROS-Android development
- ROS commands
- about / ROS commands summary
- roscore / ROS commands summary
- rosrun / ROS commands summary
- rosnode / ROS commands summary
- rostopic / ROS commands summary
- rosmsg / ROS commands summary
- rosservice / ROS commands summary
- rosparam / ROS commands summary
- reference / ROS commands summary
- using, for moving TurtleBot / Using ROS commands to move TurtleBot around
- roscore
- about / Invoking the ROS Master using roscore
- reference, for ROS tutorial / Invoking the ROS Master using roscore
- ROS filesystem
- reference / rospack list
- ROS forum
- reference / Installing and launching ROS
- ROS Indigo / Who controls ROS?
- ROS Indigo source code
- reference / Installing and launching ROS
- ROS Indigo with Debian packages
- reference / Installing and launching ROS
- ROS installation
- about / Installing and launching ROS
- Ubuntu repositories, configuring / Configuring your Ubuntu repositories
- sources.list, setting up / Setting up your sources.list
- keys, setting up / Setting up your keys
- ROS Indigo, installing / Installing ROS Indigo
- rosdep, initializing / Initialize rosdep
- environment setup / Environment setup
- rosinstall, obtaining / Getting rosinstall
- ROS environment, examining / Troubleshooting – examining your ROS environment
- rosjava
- rosjava packages
- roslaunch
- reference / Features of Xacro
- ROS manifest
- about / ROS manifest
- ROS Master
- about / ROS Master
- reference / ROS Master
- invoking, roscore used / Invoking the ROS Master using roscore
- Parameter Server / Parameter Server
- ROS commands, for determining nodes and topic / ROS commands to determine the nodes and topics
- ROS navigation
- exploring / Exploring ROS navigation further
- references / Exploring ROS navigation further
- ROS nodes
- about / ROS nodes and ROS Master, ROS nodes
- publishing / Nodes can publish and nodes can subscribe
- subscribing / Nodes can publish and nodes can subscribe
- creating / Creating ROS nodes on Arduino or Raspberry Pi
- creating, on Arduino / Creating ROS nodes on Arduino or Raspberry Pi
- Arduino, using / Using Arduino
- Raspberry Pi, using / Using Raspberry Pi
- ROS nodes, for visualization
- running / Running ROS nodes for visualization
- visual data, using Image Viewer / Visual data using Image Viewer
- visual data, using rviz / Visual data using rviz
- ROS organization
- URL / Who controls ROS?
- ROS package
- building / Creating and building a ROS package
- reference / Using ROS package face_detector
- ROS packages
- about / ROS packages and manifest
- reference / ROS packages and manifest
- exploring / Exploring the ROS packages
- rospack find packages / rospack find packages
- rospack list / rospack list
- Gazebo2 / Installing Baxter Simulator
- qt_build / Installing Baxter Simulator
- driver_common / Installing Baxter Simulator
- gazebo_ros_control / Installing Baxter Simulator
- ros_control / Installing Baxter Simulator
- control_toolbox / Installing Baxter Simulator
- ros_controllers / Installing Baxter Simulator
- gazebo_ros_pkgs / Installing Baxter Simulator
- realtime_tools / Installing Baxter Simulator
- xacro / Installing Baxter Simulator
- tf_conversions / Installing Baxter Simulator
- ROS packages, from crazyflie metapackage
- crazyflie_controller / Loading Crazyflie ROS software
- crazyflie_cpp / Loading Crazyflie ROS software
- crazyflie_demo / Loading Crazyflie ROS software
- crazyflie_description / Loading Crazyflie ROS software
- crazyflie_tools / Loading Crazyflie ROS software
- crazyflie_driver / Loading Crazyflie ROS software
- rospack find packages / rospack find packages
- rospack list / rospack list
- rospeex
- references / rospeex
- rospeex metapackage
- ROS robot simulation
- ROS sensor messages
- reference / Quadrotor condition sensors
- rosserial
- rosserial_arduino package
- reference / Installing the ROS Arduino software
- rosserial_xbee tools
- reference / Other applications using ROS and Arduino
- ROS services
- for moving turtle / ROS services to move turtle
- rosservice call / rosservice call
- ROS software repository
- reference / Setting up your sources.list
- ROS wiki
- ros_control packages
- reference / Adding controls to the Xacro
- rotation fields / How to track Crazyflie
- rotocraft
- about / Introducing quadrotors
- rqt
- using / Trying more things in rqt
- rqt tools
- about / Introducing rqt tools
- rqt message publisher / rqt message publisher and topic monitor
- topic monitor / rqt message publisher and topic monitor
- rqt_graph
- about / rqt_graph
- rqt_reconfigure tool
- about / rqt_reconfigure
- rviz
- about / Rviz
- installing / Installing and launching rviz
- reference / Installing and launching rviz
- launching / Installing and launching rviz
- using / Using rviz
- Displays panel / Displays panel
- Views panel / Views and Time panels
- Time panel / Views and Time panels
- mouse controls / Mouse control
- toolbar / Toolbar
- main window menu bar / Main window menu bar
- rviz tf frames
- about / Rviz tf frames
- sample vector file
- reference / Face detection with a cascade classifier
- SDK example programs
- references / Warm-up exercises
- Secure Digital (SD) card / Using Raspberry Pi
- sensors / Components of a quadrotor
- Series Elastic Actuators (SEA) / Introducing Baxter
- software, for mission
- loading / Loading software for the mission
- libfreenect2, installing / Installing libfreenect2
- iai_kinect2, installing / Installing iai_kinect2
- iai_kinect2 metapackage, using / Using the iai_kinect2 metapackage
- SONIC BURST / Ultrasonic sensor control using ROS and Arduino
- sound_play package
- references / Enabling a robot to speak
- Sphinx
- about / Sphinx
- springiness / Introducing Baxter
- Standard Units of Measure and Coordinate Conventions
- reference / Baxter's coordinate frame
- stock firmware
- about / Introducing Crazyflie 2.0
- synthesis projects
- reference / Enabling a robot to speak
- <transmission> elements
- reference / Defining transmission elements for joints
- telemetry / Components of a quadrotor
- teleop_xbox360.launch
- about / Details of teleop_xbox360.launch
- tasks / Details of teleop_xbox360.launch
- nodes and topics / Details of teleop_xbox360.launch
- text-to-speech (TTS) ability / Enabling a robot to speak
- tf
- about / Understanding tf
- reference / Understanding tf
- tf frames
- reference / Viewing a tf tree of robot elements
- time of flight depth sensor / Kinect for Windows v2
- toolbar, rviz
- topic / Nodes can publish and nodes can subscribe
- training cascade software
- reference / Face detection with a cascade classifier
- translation fields / How to track Crazyflie
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
- about / ROS Master
- TRIGER PULSE / Ultrasonic sensor control using ROS and Arduino
- Trig pin / Ultrasonic sensor control using ROS and Arduino
- troubleshooting, Turtlebot Remocon
- Connection Failure / Troubleshooting TurtleBot Remocon
- failed to start paired rapp / Troubleshooting TurtleBot Remocon
- additional methods / Troubleshooting TurtleBot Remocon
- tuck and untuck operations
- reference / Tucking and untucking
- TurboJPEG
- about / Installing libfreenect2
- Turtlebot
- controlling, with Python script / Writing your first Python script to control TurtleBot
- TurtleBot
- about / Introducing TurtleBot
- URL, for list of manufacturers / Introducing TurtleBot
- setting up / Setting up to control a real TurtleBot
- testing / Setting up to control a real TurtleBot
- reference, for tutorials / TurtleBot standalone test
- hardware specifications / TurtleBot hardware specifications
- moving / Move the real TurtleBot
- moving, keyboard teleoperation used / Using keyboard teleoperation to move TurtleBot
- moving, ROS commands used / Using ROS commands to move TurtleBot around
- odometry / TurtleBot's odometry
- automatic docking / TurtleBot automatic docking
- 3D vision systems / 3D vision systems for TurtleBot
- navigating with / Navigating with TurtleBot
- Turtlebot Android Application
- reference link / Troubleshooting TurtleBot Remocon
- TurtleBot Android Apps Dev Tutorials
- TurtleBot dashboard
- about / TurtleBot dashboard
- Turtlebot Remocon
- playing with / Playing with Turtlebot Remocon
- troubleshooting / Troubleshooting TurtleBot Remocon
- TurtleBot simulator software
- loading / Loading TurtleBot simulator software
- launching, in Gazebo / Launching TurtleBot simulator in Gazebo
- issues / Problems and troubleshooting
- troubleshooting / Problems and troubleshooting
- ROS commands, and Gazebo / ROS commands and Gazebo
- keyboard teleoperation / Keyboard teleoperation of TurtleBot in simulation
- TurtleBot standalone test
- about / TurtleBot standalone test
- Turtlesim
- controlling, with custom game controller interface / Controlling Turtlesim with a custom game controller interface
- reference, for tutorial / Controlling Turtlesim with a custom game controller interface
- turtlesim nodes
- rosrun command / rosrun command
- about / Turtlesim nodes
- turtlesim simulator
- about / Turtlesim, the first ROS robot simulation
- turtlesim nodes, starting / Starting turtlesim nodes
- topics and messages / Turtlesim topics and messages
- Parameter Server / Parameter Server of turtlesim
- ROS services / ROS services to move turtle
- ROS commands / ROS commands summary
- turtlesim topics and messages
- about / Turtlesim topics and messages
- rostopic list / rostopic list
- rostopic type / rostopic type
- rosmsg list / rosmsg list
- rosmsg show / rosmsg show
- rostopic echo / rostopic echo
- two-wheeled differential drive robot
- URDF, building / Building a differential drive robot URDF
- robot chassis, creating / Creating a robot chassis
- roslaunch, using / Using roslaunch
- wheels, adding / Adding wheels
- caster, adding / Adding a caster
- color, adding / Adding color
- collisions, adding / Adding collisions
- wheels, moving / Moving the wheels
- tf package / A word about tf and robot_state_publisher
- robot_state_publisher nodes / A word about tf and robot_state_publisher
- physical properties, adding / Adding physical properties
- URDF tools / Trying URDF tools
- UAVs
- about / Using ROS with UAVs
- Ubuntu
- reference / Installing the Arduino IDE software
- Ubuntu commands
- reference / Alternative test of a game controller
- udev rules
- setting up, for Crazyradio / Setting up udev rules for Crazyradio
- ultrasonic sensor control, ROS and Arduino used
- about / Ultrasonic sensor control using ROS and Arduino
- time / Ultrasonic sensor control using ROS and Arduino
- Arduino, connecting to HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor / Connecting the Arduino to the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
- Arduino, programming to sense distance / Programming the Arduino to sense distance
- ultrasonic sensor program, executing / Executing the ultrasonic sensor program
- Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) / Invoking the ROS Master using roscore, Flying Crazyflie with teleop
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- about / Introducing quadrotors
- URDF tools
- trying / Trying URDF tools
- check_urdf / check_urdf
- urdf_to_graphiz tool / urdf_to_graphiz
- USB dongle / Communicating using Crazyradio PA
- VICON / Flying with a motion capture system
- Video Acceleration API (VAAP) / Installing libfreenect2
- VideoCore graphics processing unit (GPU) / Using Raspberry Pi
- Virtual-Reality Peripheral Network (VRPN) / Flying with a motion capture system
- Virtual Machine (VM) / Controlling Crazyflie without ROS
- vision_opencv interface
- reference / OpenCV and ROS
- visual servoing control
- about / Visual servoing and grasping
- reference / Visual servoing and grasping
- Xacro
- about / Features of Xacro
- features / Features of Xacro
- property and property blocks / Features of Xacro
- Simple Math / Features of Xacro
- macros / Features of Xacro
- rospack commands / Features of Xacro
- multiple Xacro files, combining / Features of Xacro
- reference / Features of Xacro
- expanding / Expanding Xacro
- used, for building articulated robot arm URDF / Building an articulated robot arm URDF using Xacro
- Xbox joystick controls
- Zero Force Gravity (Zero-G) mode / Introducing Baxter