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Learning Robotics using Python

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Learning Robotics using Python

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Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Learning Robotics Using Python
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Creating a 2D CAD drawing of the robot using LibreCAD

We can take a look at the basic interface of LibreCAD. The following screenshot shows the interface of LibreCAD:

A CAD toolbar has the necessary components to draw a model. The following screenshot shows the detailed overview of the CAD toolbar:

A detailed description of LibreCAD tools is available at the following link:

  • Command Box: This is used to draw figures by only using commands. We can draw diagrams without touching any toolbar. A detailed explanation about the usage of the command box can be found at:

  • Layer List: This will have layers used in the current drawing. A basic concept in computer-aided drafting is the use of layers to organize a drawing. A detailed explanation of layers can be found at:

  • Block: This is a group of entities and can be inserted...