- actionlib package
- actuators
- adding, Arduino used / Using Arduino to add more sensors and actuators
- Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization
- defining / Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization
- URL / Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization
- Allowed Collision Matrix (ACM)
- about / Collision checking
- amcl
- URL / Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization
- amcl (adaptive Monte Carlo localization) node
- about / Loading the map using map_server
- amcl algorithm
- about / Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization
- Analog-Digital Converter (ADC)
- about / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- Arduino
- used, for adding sensors / Using Arduino to add more sensors and actuators
- used, for adding actuators / Using Arduino to add more sensors and actuators
- URL / Using Arduino to add more sensors and actuators
- example program / Creating an example program to use Arduino
- ultrasound range sensor, using / Using an ultrasound range sensor with Arduino
- URL, for libraries / Downloading the library for the accelerometer
- Arduino Nano
- URL / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- programming / Programming Arduino Nano and the 10 DOF sensor
- ARToolkit
- URL / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- ArUco
- ar_pose
- URL / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- asymmetric circles
- URL / Calibrating the camera
- Augmented Reality (AR)
- about / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- back data
- saving / Saving and playing back data
- playing / Saving and playing back data
- bag file / What is a bag file?
- recording, in bag file with rosbag / Recording data in a bag file with rosbag
- bag file
- about / What is a bag file?
- data recording, with rosbag / Recording data in a bag file with rosbag
- playing back / Playing back a bag file
- topics, inspecting / Inspecting all the topics and messages in a bag file
- messages, inspecting / Inspecting all the topics and messages in a bag file
- bags
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Bags
- base controller
- creating / Creating a base controller, Creating our base controller
- BeagleBone Black
- rosinstall, obtaining for / Getting rosinstall for BeagleBone Black
- BeagleBone Black (BBB)
- Beaglebone Black memory file system
- broadcaster
- creating / Creating a broadcaster
- Bug Ticket System
- about / Understanding the ROS Community level
- Build space / The workspace
- callback function
- about / Filtering and downsampling
- camera
- connecting / Connecting and running the camera
- running / Connecting and running the camera
- FireWire IEEE1394 cameras / FireWire IEEE1394 cameras
- USB cameras / USB cameras
- calibrating / Calibrating the camera
- stereo calibration / Stereo calibration
- camera calibration
- URL / Calibrating the camera
- camera input images
- visualizing / Visualizing the camera input images
- camera_pose stack
- URL / Camera pose calibration
- collision checking
- about / Collision checking
- commands, rosbash package
- roscd / Packages
- rosed / Packages
- roscp / Packages
- rosd / Packages
- rosls / Packages
- commands, rosnode tool
- rosnode info NODE / Nodes and nodelets
- rosnode kill NODE / Nodes and nodelets
- rosnode list / Nodes and nodelets
- rosnode machine hostname / Nodes and nodelets
- rosnode ping NODE / Nodes and nodelets
- rosnode cleanup / Nodes and nodelets
- commands, rosservice tool
- rosservice call /service args / Services
- rosservice find msg-type / Services
- rosservice info /service / Services
- rosservice list / Services
- rosservice type /service / Services
- rosservice uri /service / Services
- conditional messages
- about / Conditional and filtered messages
- core dumps
- enabling / Enabling core dumps for ROS nodes
- costmaps
- configuring / Configuring the costmaps – global_costmap and local_costmap
- global_costmap, defining / Configuring the costmaps – global_costmap and local_costmap
- local_costmap, defining / Configuring the costmaps – global_costmap and local_costmap
- common parameters, configuring / Configuring the common parameters
- global costmap, configuring / Configuring the global costmap
- local costmap, configuring / Configuring the local costmap
- base local planner configuration / Base local planner configuration
- cost_scaling_factor attribute
- about / Configuring the common parameters
- cv_bridge
- OpenCV image, using with / Using OpenCV and ROS images with cv_bridge
- ROS image, using with / Using OpenCV and ROS images with cv_bridge
- 2D nav goal / The 2D nav goal
- 2D pose estimate / The 2D pose estimate
- 3D visualization
- about / 3D visualization
- data visualizing, with rqt_rviz / Visualizing data in a 3D world using rqt_rviz
- topics / The relationship between topics and frames
- frames / The relationship between topics and frames
- frame transformations, visualizing / Visualizing frame transformations
- 10 degrees of freedom (DoF)
- about / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- ADXL345 / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- HMC5883L / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- BMP085 / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- L3G4200D / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- library, downloading for accelerometer / Downloading the library for the accelerometer
- programming / Programming Arduino Nano and the 10 DOF sensor
- ROS node, creating / Creating an ROS node to use data from the 10 DOF sensor
- debug message level
- setting / Setting the debug message level
- configuring, of ROS nodes / Configuring the debugging level of a particular node
- modifying, with rqt_logger_level / Using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level to modify the debugging level on the fly
- modifying, with rqt_console / Using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level to modify the debugging level on the fly
- Development (devel) space / The workspace
- diffdrive_plugin.cpp file
- URL / Using Gazebo to create the odometry
- distance sensors
- messages, sending / How distance sensors send messages
- example / Creating an example to use the ultrasound range
- downsampling
- about / Filtering and downsampling
- dynamic parameters
- about / Dynamic parameters
- setting / Setting dynamic parameters
- Dynamic Reconfigure utility
- about / Dynamic parameters
- using / Dynamic parameters
- Dynamixel
- about / Using servomotors – Dynamixel
- commands, sending / How does Dynamixel send and receive commands for the movements?
- commands, receiving / How does Dynamixel send and receive commands for the movements?
- error handling
- about / When something weird happens
- filtered messages
- about / Conditional and filtered messages
- filtering
- about / Filtering and downsampling
- Flexible Collision Library (FCL) package
- about / Collision checking
- footprint attribute
- about / Configuring the common parameters
- FOURCC format
- URL / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- fovis
- installing / Installing fovis
- URL / Installing fovis
- used, with Kinect RGBD camera / Using fovis with the Kinect RGBD camera
- frames
- and topics, relationship between / The relationship between topics and frames
- frame transformations, visualizing / Visualizing frame transformations
- Frames Per Second (FPS)
- about / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- gamepad
- using / Using a joystick or a gamepad
- Gazebo
- URL / Simulation in ROS
- about / Simulation in ROS
- used, for creating odometry / How Gazebo creates the odometry, Using Gazebo to create the odometry
- MoveIt!, integrating / Integration into Gazebo or a real robotic arm
- pick and place task, simulation / Simulation in Gazebo
- gazebo_plugins package
- URL / How Gazebo creates the odometry
- GDB debugger
- used, for debugging ROS nodes / Using the GDB debugger with ROS nodes
- ROS nodes, attaching / Attaching a node to GDB while launching ROS
- general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins / Installing ROS Hydro in BeagleBone Black (BBB)
- global costmap / The global costmap
- global plan / The global plan
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- using / Using a GPS system
- messages, sending / How GPS sends messages
- example project / Creating an example project to use GPS
- goals
- HC-SR04
- about / Using an ultrasound range sensor with Arduino
- Hokuyo URG-04lx
- about / Using a laser rangefinder – Hokuyo URG-04lx
- URL / Using a laser rangefinder – Hokuyo URG-04lx
- holonomic vehicle
- about / Base local planner configuration
- homography, of two images
- computing / Computing the homography of two images
- images
- publishing, with image transport / Publishing images with image transport
- image transport
- images, publishing with / Publishing images with image transport
- image visualization
- about / Image visualization
- single image, visualizing / Visualizing a single image
- Xsens MTi / Using the IMU – Xsens MTi
- about / Using the IMU – Xsens MTi
- using / Using the IMU – Xsens MTi
- inflation_radius attribute
- about / Configuring the common parameters
- joystick
- using / Using a joystick or a gamepad
- joy_node, using / How does joy_node send joystick movements?
- data, used for creating movements / Using joystick data to move a turtle in turtlesim
- Kinect RGBD camera
- fovis, using with / Using fovis with the Kinect RGBD camera
- Kinect sensor
- using / Using the Kinect sensor to view objects in 3D
- about / Using the Kinect sensor to view objects in 3D
- data, sending from sensors / How does Kinect send data from the sensors, and how do we see it?
- example / Creating an example to use Kinect
- kinematics
- Laser Imaging, Detection, and Ranging (LIDAR)
- about / Creating a robot configuration
- laser rangefinder
- using / Using a laser rangefinder – Hokuyo URG-04lx
- Hokuyo URG-04lx / Using a laser rangefinder – Hokuyo URG-04lx
- data, sending / Understanding how the laser sends data in ROS
- laser data, accessing / Accessing the laser data and modifying it
- laser data, modifying / Accessing the laser data and modifying it
- launch file, creating / Creating a launch file
- launch file
- about / The launch file
- launching / The launch file
- creating, for navigation stack / Creating a launch file for the navigation stack
- libfovis
- URL / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- libviso2
- URL / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- listener
- creating / Creating a listener
- local costmap / The local costmap
- local plan / The local plan
- logging message
- about / Logging messages
- outputting / Outputting a logging message
- debug message level, setting / Setting the debug message level
- debug message level, configuring / Configuring the debugging level of a particular node
- naming / Giving names to messages
- conditional messages / Conditional and filtered messages
- filtered messages / Conditional and filtered messages
- displaying / Showing messages in the once, throttle, and other combinations
- rqt_console, using / Using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level to modify the debugging level on the fly
- rqt_logger_level, using / Using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level to modify the debugging level on the fly
- Long-Term Support (LTS)
- low-cost IMU
- about / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- using / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- 10 degrees of freedom (DoF) / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- map
- creating, with ROS / Creating a map with ROS
- saving, map_server used / Saving the map using map_server
- loading, map_server used / Loading the map using map_server
- map_server
- URL / Creating a map with ROS
- used, for saving map / Saving the map using map_server
- used, for loading map / Loading the map using map_server
- master
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level
- message (msg) types
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- message level / Setting the debug message level
- DEBUG / Setting the debug message level
- INFO / Setting the debug message level
- WARN / Setting the debug message level
- FATAL / Setting the debug message level
- messages
- about / Messages, Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Messages
- message types, PCL
- std_msgs$$Header / The PCL interface for ROS
- sensor_msgs$$PointCloud2 / The PCL interface for ROS
- pcl_msgs$$PointIndices / The PCL interface for ROS
- pcl_msgs$$PolygonMesh / The PCL interface for ROS
- pcl_msgs$$Vertices / The PCL interface for ROS
- pcl_msgs$$ModelCoefficients / The PCL interface for ROS
- metapackage
- creating / Creating a ROS package and metapackage
- metapackage manifests
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- metapackages
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level, Metapackages
- MicroStrain 3DM-GX2 IMU
- URL / Using the IMU – Xsens MTi
- migration rules, rosbuild
- reference link / Metapackages
- motion planning
- about / Motion planning, Simple motion planning
- constraints / Motion planning
- goal, planning / Planning a single goal
- random target, planning / Planning a random target
- predefined group state, planning / Planning a predefined group state
- target motion, displaying / Displaying the target motion
- with point clouds / Motion planning with point clouds
- motion planning, with collisions
- about / Motion planning with collisions
- objects, adding to planning scene / Adding objects to the planning scene
- objects, removing from planning scene / Removing objects from the planning scene
- motion planning adapters
- FixStartStateBounds / Motion planning
- FixWorkspaceBounds / Motion planning
- FixStartStateCollision / Motion planning
- FixStartStatePathConstraints / Motion planning
- AddTimeParameterization / Motion planning
- MoveIt!
- architecture / The MoveIt! architecture
- URL / The MoveIt! architecture, The planning scene
- motion planning / Motion planning
- planning scene / The planning scene
- kinematics / Kinematics
- collision checking / Collision checking
- robotic arm, integrating / Integrating an arm in MoveIt!, What's in the box?
- package generating, with setup assistant / Generating a MoveIt! package with the setup assistant
- integrating, with RViz / Integration into RViz
- integrating, into Gazebo / Integration into Gazebo or a real robotic arm
- moveit_simple_grasps package
- msg files
- creating / Creating msg and srv files, Using the new srv and msg files
- National Maritime Electronics Association (NMEA)
- about / Using a GPS system
- URL / Using a GPS system
- navigation stack
- launch file, creating for / Creating a launch file for the navigation stack
- navigation stack, in ROS
- about / The navigation stack in ROS
- nodelets
- about / Nodes and nodelets
- nodes
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Nodes and nodelets
- creating / Creating nodes
- building / Building the node
- Object Recognition Kitchen (ORK)
- about / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- URL / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- observation_sources attribute
- about / Configuring the common parameters
- obstacles
- avoiding / Avoiding obstacles
- Occupancy Grid Map (OGM)
- about / Visualizing data in a 3D world using rqt_rviz, Creating a map with ROS
- Octomap Updater
- about / Motion planning with point clouds
- odometry
- creating, with Gazebo / How Gazebo creates the odometry
- creating / Creating our own odometry
- creating, Gazebo used / Using Gazebo to create the odometry
- odometry information
- publishing / Publishing odometry information
- OpenCV
- USB camera driver, writing with / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- using, in ROS / Using OpenCV in ROS
- OpenCV image
- using, with cv_bridge / Using OpenCV and ROS images with cv_bridge
- .pgm format (portable gray map format)
- about / Saving the map using map_server
- package
- creating / Creating a package
- package manifests
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- packages
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level, Packages
- structure / Packages
- parameters
- listing / Listing nodes, topics, services, and parameters
- modifying, with rqt_reconfigure / Modifying parameters with rqt_reconfigure
- parameters, cameras
- camera_index / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- frame_width / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- frame_height / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- fps / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- fourcc / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- brightness / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- contrast / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- saturation / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- hue / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- gain / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- exposure / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- frame_id / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- camera_info_url / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- parameters, rosmsg command-line tool
- rosmsg show / Messages
- rosmsg list / Messages
- rosmsg package / Messages
- rosmsg packages / Messages
- rosmsg users / Messages
- rosmsg md5 / Messages
- parameters, rosparam tool
- rosparam list / Parameter Server, Using Parameter Server
- rosparam get parameter / Parameter Server
- rosparam set parameter value / Parameter Server
- rosparam delete parameter / Parameter Server, Using Parameter Server
- rosparam dump file / Parameter Server, Using Parameter Server
- rosparam load file / Parameter Server, Using Parameter Server
- rosparam set parameter value / Using Parameter Server
- rosparam get parameter / Using Parameter Server
- parameters, rosservice tool
- rosservice args /service / Learning how to use services
- rosservice call /service / Learning how to use services
- rosservice find msg-type / Learning how to use services
- rosservice info /service / Learning how to use services
- rosservice list / Learning how to use services
- rosservice type /service / Learning how to use services
- rosservice uri /service / Learning how to use services
- parameters, rostopic tool
- rostopic bw /topic / Topics
- rostopic echo /topic / Topics
- rostopic find message_type / Topics
- rostopic hz /topic / Topics
- rostopic info /topic / Topics
- rostopic list / Topics, Learning how to interact with topics
- rostopic pub /topic type args / Topics
- rostopic type /topic / Topics
- rostopic bw TOPIC / Learning how to interact with topics
- rostopic echo TOPIC / Learning how to interact with topics
- rostopic find TOPIC / Learning how to interact with topics
- rostopic hz TOPIC / Learning how to interact with topics
- rostopic info TOPIC / Learning how to interact with topics
- rostopic pubs TOPIC / Learning how to interact with topics
- rostopic type TOPIC / Learning how to interact with topics
- Parameter Server
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Parameter Server, Using Parameter Server
- using / Using Parameter Server
- particle cloud / The particle cloud
- PCL programs
- defining / My first PCL program
- pick and place task
- about / The pick and place task
- planning scene / The planning scene
- target object / The target object to grasp
- support surface / The support surface
- perception / Perception
- grasping / Grasping
- pickup action / The pickup action
- place action / The place action
- demo mode / The demo mode
- simulation, in Gazebo / Simulation in Gazebo
- planner plan / The planner plan
- planning scene
- about / The planning scene
- objects, adding / Adding objects to the planning scene
- objects, removing / Removing objects from the planning scene
- PointCloud
- creating / Creating point clouds
- loading, to disk / Loading and saving point clouds to the disk
- saving, to disk / Loading and saving point clouds to the disk
- visualizing / Visualizing point clouds
- partitioning / Partitioning point clouds
- point cloud library
- defining / Understanding the point cloud library
- point cloud types / Different point cloud types
- algorithms / Algorithms in PCL
- PCL interface, for ROS / The PCL interface for ROS
- Point Cloud Library (PCL)
- reference link / Creating an example to use Kinect
- point clouds
- motion planning / Motion planning with point clouds
- points, PCL
- pcl$$PointXYZ / Different point cloud types
- pcl$$PointXYZI / Different point cloud types
- pcl$$PointXYZRGBA / Different point cloud types
- pcl$$PointXYZRGB / Different point cloud types
- pcl$$Normal / Different point cloud types
- pcl$$PointNormal / Different point cloud types
- PR2 (Willow Garage) / A 3D model of our robot in ROS
- Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
- about / Using an ultrasound range sensor with Arduino
- public fields, point cloud
- header / Understanding the point cloud library
- points / Understanding the point cloud library
- width / Understanding the point cloud library
- height / Understanding the point cloud library
- is_dense / Understanding the point cloud library
- sensor_origin_ / Understanding the point cloud library
- sensor_orientation_ / Understanding the point cloud library
- RAndom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC)
- Real Time Kinematics (RTK)
- registration and matching technique
- about / Registration and matching
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- repositories
- about / Understanding the ROS Community level
- RGBD camera
- visual odometry, performing with / Performing visual odometry with an RGBD camera
- RoboEarth project
- URL / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- Robonaut (NASA) / A 3D model of our robot in ROS
- robot, navigation stack
- requisites / The navigation stack in ROS
- robot configuration
- creating / Creating a robot configuration
- robotic arm
- integrating, in MoveIt! / Integrating an arm in MoveIt!, What's in the box?
- tools / Packages
- URL, for blog / Understanding the ROS Community level
- OpenCV, using / Using OpenCV in ROS
- 3D model, of robot / A 3D model of our robot in ROS
- map, creating with / Creating a map with ROS
- ROS Answers / Understanding the ROS Community level
- rosbag
- used, for recording data in bag file / Recording data in a bag file with rosbag
- rosbash package
- ROS Community level
- about / Understanding the ROS Community level
- distributions / Understanding the ROS Community level
- repositories / Understanding the ROS Community level
- ROS Wiki / Understanding the ROS Community level
- Bug Ticket System / Understanding the ROS Community level
- mailing lists / Understanding the ROS Community level
- ROS Answers / Understanding the ROS Community level
- blog / Understanding the ROS Community level
- ROS Computation Graph level
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level
- nodes / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Nodes and nodelets
- master / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, The ROS master
- messages / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Messages
- topics / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Topics
- services / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Services
- bags / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Bags
- nodelets / Nodes and nodelets
- Parameter Server / Parameter Server
- ROS distributions
- about / Understanding the ROS Community level
- ROS Filesystem
- navigating by / Navigating by ROS Filesystem
- ROS Filesystem level
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- packages / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level, Packages
- package manifests / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- metapackages / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level, Metapackages
- metapackage manifests / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- message (msg) types / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- service (srv) types / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- workspace / The workspace
- messages / Messages
- services / Services
- ROS Fuerte
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- ROS Hydro, installing in BeagleBone Black (BBB)
- about / Installing ROS Hydro in BeagleBone Black (BBB)
- prerequisites / Prerequisites
- local machine, setting up / Setting up the local machine and source.list file
- keys, setting up / Setting up your keys
- ROS packages, installing / Installing the ROS packages
- rosdep, initializing for ROS / Initializing rosdep for ROS
- environment, setting / Setting up the environment in BeagleBone Black
- ROS Hydro, installing with repositories
- about / Installing ROS Hydro – using repositories
- Ubuntu repositories, configuring / Configuring your Ubuntu repositories
- source.list file, setting up / Setting up your source.list file
- keys, setting up / Setting up your keys
- ROS, installing / Installing ROS
- rosdep, initializing / Initializing rosdep
- environment, setting up / Setting up the environment
- rosinstall, obtaining / Getting rosinstall
- ROS image
- using, with cv_bridge / Using OpenCV and ROS images with cv_bridge
- ROS image pipeline
- about / The ROS image pipeline
- used, for stereo cameras / The image pipeline for stereo cameras
- rosinstall
- obtaining, for BeagleBone Black / Getting rosinstall for BeagleBone Black
- ROS master
- rosmsg command-line tool
- ROS node
- creating, for 10 DOF sensor / Creating an ROS node to use data from the 10 DOF sensor
- ROS nodes
- working with / Playing with ROS nodes
- debugging / Debugging ROS nodes
- debugging, GDB debugger used / Using the GDB debugger with ROS nodes
- attaching, to GDB debugger / Attaching a node to GDB while launching ROS
- profiling, with valgrind / Profiling a node with valgrind while launching ROS
- core dumps, enabling / Enabling core dumps for ROS nodes
- debug message level, configuring / Configuring the debugging level of a particular node
- execution, inspecting / Inspecting what is going on
- listing / Listing nodes, topics, services, and parameters
- graph, inspecting online with rqt_graph / Inspecting the node's graph online with rqt_graph
- diagnostics, visualizing / Visualizing node diagnostics
- rosnode tool
- commands / Nodes and nodelets
- ROS package
- creating / Creating a ROS package and metapackage
- building / Building an ROS package
- ROS packages
- used, for for Computer Vision tasks / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- Visual Servoing / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- Augmented Reality / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- perception and object recognition / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- visual odometry / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- rosparam tool
- parameters / Parameter Server, Using Parameter Server
- rosservice tool
- commands / Services
- parameters / Learning how to use services
- rostopic tool
- parameters / Topics, Learning how to interact with topics
- ROS user-mailing list
- about / Understanding the ROS Community level
- ROS version, for Ångström distribution
- URL / Installing ROS Hydro in BeagleBone Black (BBB)
- ROS Wiki
- about / Understanding the ROS Community level
- ROS wrapper
- rqt plugin
- using / Using the rqt_gui and rqt plugins
- rqt_console
- used, for modifying debug message level / Using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level to modify the debugging level on the fly
- rqt_graph
- used, for inspecting graph of ROS nodes / Inspecting the node's graph online with rqt_graph
- rqt_gui plugin
- using / Using the rqt_gui and rqt plugins
- rqt_logger_level
- used, for modifying debug message level / Using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level to modify the debugging level on the fly
- rqt_plot
- time series plot, creating / Creating a time series plot with rqt_plot
- rqt_reconfigure
- parameters, modifying with / Modifying parameters with rqt_reconfigure
- rqt_rviz
- used, for visualizing data in 3D world / Visualizing data in a 3D world using rqt_rviz
- RViz
- MoveIt!, integrating / Integration into RViz
- rviz, for navigation stack
- setting up / Setting up rviz for the navigation stack
- 2D pose estimate / The 2D pose estimate
- 2D nav goal / The 2D nav goal
- static map / The static map
- particle cloud / The particle cloud
- footprint, of robot / The robot's footprint
- local costmap / The local costmap
- global costmap / The global costmap
- global plan / The global plan
- local plan / The local plan
- planner plan / The planner plan
- current goal / The current goal
- scalar data
- plotting / Plotting scalar data
- time series plot, creating with rqt_plot / Creating a time series plot with rqt_plot
- segmentation
- sensor information
- publishing / Publishing sensor information
- laser node, creating / Creating the laser node
- sensors
- adding, Arduino used / Using Arduino to add more sensors and actuators
- Serial Clock (SCK)
- about / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- Serial Data Line (SDL)
- about / Using a low-cost IMU – 10 degrees of freedom
- service (srv) types
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- services
- about / Services, Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Services, Learning how to use services
- using / Learning how to use services
- listing / Listing nodes, topics, services, and parameters
- servomotors
- using / Using servomotors – Dynamixel
- Dynamixel / Using servomotors – Dynamixel
- example / Creating an example to use the servomotor
- simulations, in ROS
- creating / Simulation in ROS
- URDF 3D model, using in Gazebo / Using our URDF 3D model in Gazebo
- sensors, adding to Gazebo / Adding sensors to Gazebo
- map, loading in Gazebo / Loading and using a map in Gazebo
- map, using in Gazebo / Loading and using a map in Gazebo
- robot, moving in Gazebo / Moving the robot in Gazebo
- Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
- about / Registration and matching
- SketchUp
- about / 3D modeling with SketchUp
- skid-steer robot / Moving the robot in Gazebo
- Source space / The workspace
- srv files
- creating / Creating msg and srv files, Using the new srv and msg files
- Stacks
- about / Understanding the ROS Filesystem level
- static map / The static map
- tf (Transform Frames)
- about / Creating transforms
- time series plot
- creating, with rqt_plot / Creating a time series plot with rqt_plot
- tools, ROS
- rospack / Packages
- catkin_create_pkg / Packages
- catkin_make / Packages
- rosdep / Packages
- rqt_dep / Packages
- topics
- about / Understanding the ROS Computation Graph level, Topics
- interacting with / Learning how to interact with topics
- listing / Listing nodes, topics, services, and parameters
- and frames, relationship between / The relationship between topics and frames
- transformation tree
- observing / Watching the transformation tree
- transforms
- creating / Creating transforms
- broadcaster, creating / Creating a broadcaster
- listener, creating / Creating a listener
- transformation tree, observing / Watching the transformation tree
- Turtlesim
- Ubuntu
- installing / How to install VirtualBox and Ubuntu
- Ubuntu, with ROS Hydro
- URL / Downloading VirtualBox
- Ubuntu install, of ROS Hydro
- URL / Configuring your Ubuntu repositories
- Ubuntu installation, on Bealgebone Black
- Ubuntu repositories
- URL / Configuring your Ubuntu repositories
- ultrasound range sensor
- used, with Arduino / Using an ultrasound range sensor with Arduino
- Unified Robot Description Format (URDF)
- about / A 3D model of our robot in ROS
- Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
- about / How GPS sends messages
- URDF file
- creating / Creating our first URDF file
- file format, explaining / Explaining the file format
- 3D model, viewing on rviz / Watching the 3D model on rviz
- meshes, loading to models / Loading meshes to our models
- model, converting to robot / Making our robot model movable
- collision properties / Physical and collision properties
- physical properties / Physical and collision properties
- USB camera driver
- writing, with OpenCV / Writing your own USB camera driver with OpenCV
- valgrind
- used, for profiling ROS nodes / Profiling a node with valgrind while launching ROS
- URL / Profiling a node with valgrind while launching ROS
- VirtualBox
- about / How to install VirtualBox and Ubuntu
- installing / How to install VirtualBox and Ubuntu
- downloading / Downloading VirtualBox
- URL, for downloading / Downloading VirtualBox
- virtual machine
- creating / Creating the virtual machine
- viso2
- URL / Running the viso2 online demo
- visual odometry
- about / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- URL / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- references / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- used, with viso2 / Using visual odometry with viso2
- camera pose calibration / Camera pose calibration
- viso2 online demo, running / Running the viso2 online demo
- viso2, running with low-cost stereo camera / Running viso2 with our low-cost stereo camera
- performing, with RGBD camera / Performing visual odometry with an RGBD camera
- Visual Servoing Platform (ViSP)
- about / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- URL / ROS packages useful for Computer Vision tasks
- Wiimote
- URL / Using the IMU – Xsens MTi
- workspace
- about / The workspace
- Source space / The workspace
- Build space / The workspace
- Development (devel) space / The workspace
- creating / Creating our own workspace
- Xacro
- about / Xacro – a better way to write our robot models
- constants, using / Using constants
- math, using / Using math
- macros, using / Using macros
- robot, moving with code / Moving the robot with code
- 3D modeling, with SketchUp / 3D modeling with SketchUp
- XML Macros (Xacro)
- about / Generating a MoveIt! package with the setup assistant
- Xsens MTi
- about / Using the IMU – Xsens MTi
- data, sending / How does Xsens send data in ROS?
- example / Creating an example to use Xsens