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Raspberry Pi cookbook for Python programmers

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Raspberry Pi cookbook for Python programmers

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Raspberry Pi Cookbook for Python Programmers
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Software list

The book uses a range of software packages to extend the capabilities of the preinstalled software.

PC software utilities

In most cases, the latest version of the software available should be used (versions are listed just in case there is a compatibility issue in a later release). The list of software used is as follows:

Raspberry Pi packages

This section lists each of the packages used in the chapters in the book in the following format (versions are listed just in case there is a compatibility issue in a later release):

  • Package name (version) Supporting website

    Install command

Chapter 1

  • This chapter describes the hardware setup, and so no additional packages are installed (except specific hardware drivers where necessary).

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

There's more...

The majority of the Raspberry Pi software packages used in the book have been installed and configured using Apt-get and Pip. Useful commands have been given for each in the following sections.

APT commands

Useful commands for APT (this is preinstalled by default on Raspbian) are listed as follows:

  • Always update the package list to obtain the latest versions and programs before installing a package with the command sudo apt-get update

  • Find software by searching for any packages that include the <searchtext> command in the package name or description using sudo apt-cache search <seachtext>

  • Install software with a particular <packagename> using sudo apt-get install <packagename>

  • Uninstall a particular software package using sudo apt-get remove <packagename>

  • Display the currently installed version of a software package using sudo apt-cache showpkg <packagename>

  • If you want to install a specific version of a software package, use sudo apt-get install <package name>=<version>

Details of additional commands are listed by running sudo apt-get and sudo apt-cache. Alternatively, they are listed by reading the manual pages using the man command, the man apt-get command, and the man apt-cache command.

Pip Python package manager commands

Useful commands for Pip (this is not usually preinstalled on Raspbian) are listed as follows:

  • To install Pip or Python 3, use the command sudo apt-get install python3-pip

  • Install a required package using sudo pip-3.2 install <packagename>

  • Uninstall a particular package using sudo pip-3.2 uninstall <packagename>

  • To find out the version of an installed package, use pip-3.2 freeze | grep <packagename>

  • Install a specific package version using sudo pip-3.2 install <packagename>==<version>

For example, to check the version of Pi3D installed on your system, use pip-3.2 freeze | grep pi3d.

To replace the installed version of Pi3D with Version 1.6a, use sudo pip-3.2 uninstall pi3d and sudo pip-3.2 install pi3d==1.6a.