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Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development

By : Kerri Shotts
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Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development

By: Kerri Shotts

Overview of this book

PhoneGap is a useful and flexible tool that enables you to create complex hybrid applications for mobile platforms. In addition to the core technology, there is a large and vibrant community that creates third-party plugins that can take your app to the next level. This book will guide you through the process of creating a complex data-driven hybrid mobile application using PhoneGap, web technologies, and third-party plugins. A good foundation is critical, so you will learn how to create a useful workflow to make development easier. From there, the next version of JavaScript (ES6) and the CSS pre-processor SASS are introduced as a way to simplify creating the look of the mobile application. Responsive design techniques are also covered, including the flexbox layout module. As many apps are data-driven, you'll build an application throughout the course of the book that relies upon IndexedDB and SQLite. You'll also download additional content and address how to handle in-app purchases. Furthermore, you’ll build your own customized plugins for your particular use case. When the app is complete, the book will guide you through the steps necessary to submit your app to the Google Play and Apple iTunes stores.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Setting up your app's directory structure

Before we install Gulp, we should create the directory structure for our app. Keep in mind that there's no single correct way to structure your application, and your opinion on how apps should be structured is likely to change as you gain more experience. That said, this section will show you how I like to structure my projects.

My typical structure starts with the project's root directory. If you look at the code bundle for this book, you'll notice that the project's root directory is called logology-v01/.


I wouldn't normally append the version number on a project—that's what a version control system is for. However, since it is important that you be able to see changes from version to version, the code package splits these changes out by chapter—hence the version number

Within the project's root directory are some additional directories:

  • config/: Configuration files needed during the tasks are stored in this directory.

  • src/: All the app's source code and image assets are stored in this directory. This is the source that we supply to Gulp. Gulp then transforms the source and stores it in a directory of our choosing (typically the build directory).

  • build/: This directory contains the transformed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, as well as the native portions of a Cordova project.


The build/ directory will not be present in the code bundle for this book. It is considered a build artifact, and as such, you can always regenerate it.

Within the src/ directory lives our app's source code. I like to structure the code and assets as follows:

    config.xml            # Template file for our Cordova app's
                          # configuration
    res/                  # Icons & splash screens (covered in
                          # Chapter 11)
    www/                  # HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, and other
                          # web assets
      index.html          # Initial HTML file (as specified in
                          # config.xml)
      html/               # Additional HTML files, if any
      img/                # Image files, if we need them
      scss/               # Sassy CSS files (see Chapter 3)
        lib/              # Utility functions
        themes/           # Themes (appearance of the app)
        views/            # Styles specific to views in our app
      js/                 # JavaScript
        lib/              # Third-party library code and support
                          # code
        app/              # Our application code
          index.js        # The entry point for our app
          controllers/    # View controllers live here
          lib/            # App-specific utility files
          localization/   # Language translations
          models/         # Data models go here
          views/          # Views and templates live here

If you look at the directory structure of this chapter in the code bundle, you will notice that a lot of it is missing. This is because it's not necessary at this point; we'll fill it out in the future chapters.

If you're wondering where the Cordova files are, you're paying attention. There aren't any. Yet. This is because they are considered to be build artifacts. Build artifacts are files that are created when you compile your app. If this feels both a little strange and a little familiar at the same time, there's a good reason behind it: the Cordova projects already have portions that are considered to be build artifacts. The strange part is that you're probably used to editing the www/ folder within the Cordova project, and executing cordova build to create the remaining build artifacts (namely, the native wrappers around your code, typically in platforms/).

In this book, however, we're going to take a higher level approach and consider the entire Cordova project as a build artifact. Why? Because Cordova has been extended by several other projects (such as Steroids: and they usually have their own project formats and build steps. If you ever want to target these platforms, you can readily do so since your code doesn't live within a Cordova project. Furthermore, you might find that you want to target other technologies entirely, such as Electron ( which encapsulates your code with a Chromium webview suitable for desktop execution. The build steps and project structure for Electron are different than what you might expect for a Cordova project. In short, it's a way to avoid tying yourself down.

All said, when we're done with the chapter, you'll have a Cordova app filled with your source code. That project will be present in the build/ directory.


If you ever need to execute Cordova commands outside Gulp, you'll need to change to the build/ directory first or the command will fail. This is because the Cordova CLI expects be to run within a Cordova project, and our app's root directory isn't a Cordova project. Only build/ contains a valid Cordova project.

A crucial part of our workflow is going to be our project's package.json file. This file will contain the app's version information, Cordova configuration, and more. If you're starting from scratch, you will need to create this file yourself by changing to the project's root directory and executing npm init:


If you are using the code bundle for this chapter, the package.json file is already built for you.

# (in your project's root directory)
$ npm init [ENTER]
This utility will walk you through creating a package.json file.
It only covers the most common items, and tries to guess sane

name: (logology-v01) Logology [ENTER]
version: (1.0.0) [ENTER]
description: Logology and PhoneGap demonstration app [ENTER]
entry point: (index.js) [ENTER]
test command: [ENTER]
git repository: [ENTER]
keywords: dictionary word study phonegapcordova html5 javascript
css [ENTER]
author: Kerri Shotts<[email protected]> [ENTER]
license: (ISC) MIT [ENTER]
About to write to .../logology-v01/package.json:

Is this ok? (yes) [ENTER]

At this point, you have the package.json file is created, but it will need a few more edits. Open the package.json file in your favorite editor and remove the scripts section. Then, add the following (for the full contents of this file you can refer to the code package):

{ ...,
"cordova": {
  "name": "Logology",
  "id": "com.packtpub.logologyv1",
  "description": "Dictionary application",
  "author": {
    "name": "Kerri Shotts",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "site": ""
  "template": "../blank",
  "platforms": [ "ios", "android" ],
  "preferences": {
    "permissions": "none",
    "fullscreen": "false",
    "orientation": "default",
    "stay-in-webview": "false",
    "ShowSplashScreenSpinner": "false",
    "AutoHideSplashScreen": "false",
    "disable-cursor": "false",
    "KeyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction": "false",
    "target-device": "universal",
    "prerendered-icon": "true",
    "webviewbounce": "false",
    "DisallowOverscroll": "true",
    "exit-on-suspend": "false",
    "deployment-target": "7.0",
    "detect-data-types": "false",
    "SupressesIncrementalRendering": "true",
    "android-minSdkVersion": "14",
    "android-installLocation": "auto",
    "android-windowSoftInputMode": "adjustResize",
  "plugins": [
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]"

The preceding code should be fairly self-explanatory. With it, we are essentially duplicating the contents of Cordova's config.xml file. Because the Cordova project itself is considered to be a build artifact, it makes sense to manage plugins, platforms, and preferences somewhere else and, because package.json handles the other configuration aspects of our project, it makes sense to include these configuration settings here.


This doesn't remove the need for a config.xml file. We'll cover this later on in this chapter.

At this point, we're ready to install Gulp and any other dependencies our project might need.