Making a phone call with one tap – Part 2
In Part 1 of this recipe, we were able to write a phone number to a tag but weren't able to read from the tag. Although the Android system knows how to handle the tel:*
URI, we may want to prevent the default behavior and handle the tag content ourselves. In this recipe, we will complete the application and create a fully functional application ready for daily use.
Getting ready
Make sure you have a working Android development environment. If you don't, ADT Bundle is a good kit to start with. It is available at
Make sure you have an NFC-enabled Android device or a virtual test environment. Refer to the Testing your app all together recipe, in Chapter 1, Getting Started with NFC.
It will be assumed that Eclipse is the development IDE and also that you are familiarized reading Uri formatted NDEF Records. Refer to the Reading a URI-formatted record recipe in Chapter 5, Reading Tag Content.
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