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Learning Android Application Testing

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Learning Android Application Testing

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Learning Android Application Testing
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Types of tests

Testing comes in a variety of frameworks with differing levels of support from the Android SDK and your IDE of choice. For now, we are going to concentrate on how to test Android apps using the instrumented Android testing framework, which has full SDK and ASide support, and later on, we will discuss the alternatives.

Testing can be implemented at any time in the development process, depending on the test method employed. However, we will be promoting testing at an early stage of the development cycle, even before the full set of requirements has been defined and the coding process has been started.

There are several types of tests depending on the code being tested. Regardless of its type, a test should verify a condition and return the result of this evaluation as a single Boolean value that indicates its success or failure.

Unit tests

Unit tests are tests written by programmers for other programmers, and they should isolate the component under tests and be able to test it in a repeatable way. That's why unit tests and mock objects are usually placed together. You use mock objects to isolate the unit from its dependencies, to monitor interactions, and also to be able to repeat the test any number of times. For example, if your test deletes some data from a database, you probably don't want the data to be actually deleted and, therefore, not found the next time the test is ran.

JUnit is the de facto standard for unit tests on Android. It's a simple open source framework for automating unit testing, originally written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.

Android test cases use JUnit 3 (this is about to change to JUnit 4 in an impending Google release, but as of the time of this writing, we are showing examples with JUnit 3). This version doesn't have annotations, and uses introspection to detect the tests.

A typical Android-instrumented JUnit test would be something like this:

public class MyUnitTestCase extends TestCase {

    public MyUnitTestCase() {

    public void testSomething() {
        fail("Test not implemented yet");


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The following sections explain the components that can be used to build up a test case. Note that these components and the pattern of working with a test case are not unique to unit tests, and they can be deployed for the other test types that we will discuss in the following sections.

The setUp() method

This method is called to initialize the fixture (fixture being the test and its surrounding code state).

Overriding it, you have the opportunity to create objects and initialize fields that will be used by tests. It's worth noting that this setup occurs before every test.

The tearDown() method

This method is called to finalize the fixture.

Overriding it, you can release resources used by the initialization or tests. Again, this method is invoked after every test.

For example, you can release a database or close a network connection here.

There are more methods you can hook into before and after your test methods, but these are used rarely, and will be explained as we bump into them.

Outside the test method

JUnit is designed in a way that the entire tree of test instances is built in one pass, and then the tests are executed in a second pass. Therefore, the test runner holds strong references to all test instances for the duration of the test execution. This means that for very large and very long test runs with many Test instances, none of the tests may be garbage collected until the entire test is run. This is particularly important in Android and while testing on limited devices as some tests may fail not because of an intrinsic failure but because of the amount of memory needed to run the application, in addition to its tests exceeding the device limits.

Therefore, if you allocate external or limited resources in a test, such as Services or ContentProviders, you are responsible for freeing those resources. Explicitly setting an object to null in the tearDown() method, for example, allows it to be garbage collected before the end of the entire test run.

Inside the test method

All public void methods whose names start with test will be considered as a test. As opposed to JUnit 4, JUnit 3 doesn't use annotations to discover the tests; instead, it uses introspection to find their names. There are some annotations available in the Android test framework such as @SmallTest, @MediumTest, or @LargeTest, which don't turn a simple method into a test but organize them in different categories. Ultimately, you will have the ability to run tests for a single category using the test runner.

As a rule of thumb, name your tests in a descriptive way and use nouns and the condition being tested. Also, remember to test for exceptions and wrong values instead of just testing positive cases.

For example, some valid tests and naming could be:

  • testOnCreateValuesAreLoaded()

  • testGivenIllegalArgumentThenAConversionErrorIsThrown()

  • testConvertingInputToStringIsValid()

During the execution of the test, some conditions, side effects, or method returns should be compared against the expectations. To ease these operations, JUnit provides a full set of assert* methods to compare the expected results from the test to the actual results after running them, throwing exceptions if the conditions are not met. Then, the test runner handles these exceptions and presents the results.

These methods, which are overloaded to support different arguments, include:

  • assertTrue()

  • assertFalse()

  • assertEquals()

  • assertNull()

  • assertNotNull()

  • assertSame()

  • assertNotSame()

  • fail()

In addition to these JUnit assert methods, Android extends Assert in two specialized classes, providing additional tests:

  • MoreAsserts

  • ViewAsserts

Mock objects

Mock objects are mimic objects used instead of calling the real domain objects to enable testing units in isolation.

Generally, this is accomplished to verify that the correct methods are called, but they can also be of great help to isolate your tests from the surrounding code and be able to run the tests independently and ensure repeatability.

The Android testing framework supports mock objects that you will find very useful when writing tests. You need to provide some dependencies to be able to compile the tests. There are also external libraries that can be used when mocking.

Several classes are provided by the Android testing framework in the android.test.mock package:

  • MockApplication

  • MockContentProvider

  • MockContentResolver

  • MockContext

  • MockCursor

  • MockDialogInterface

  • MockPackageManager

  • MockResources

Almost any component of the platform that could interact with your Activity can be created by instantiating one of these classes.

However, they are not real implementations but stubs, the idea being you extend one of these classes to create a real mock object and override the methods you want to implement. Any methods you do not override will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.

Integration tests

Integration tests are designed to test the way individual components work together. Modules that have been unit tested independently are now combined together to test the integration.

Usually, Android Activities require some integration with the system infrastructure to be able to run. They need the Activity lifecycle provided by the ActivityManager, and access to resources, the filesystem, and databases.

The same criteria apply to other Android components such as Services or ContentProviders that need to interact with other parts of the system to achieve their duty.

In all these cases, there are specialized test classes provided by the Android testing framework that facilitates the creation of tests for these components.

UI tests

User Interface tests test the visual representation of your application, such as how a dialog looks or what UI changes are made when a dialog is dismissed.

Special considerations should be taken if your tests involve UI components. As you may have already known, only the main thread is allowed to alter the UI in Android. Thus, a special annotation @UIThreadTest is used to indicate that a particular test should be run on that thread and it would have the ability to alter the UI. On the other hand, if you only want to run parts of your test on the UI thread, you may use the Activity.runOnUiThread(Runnable r) method that provides the corresponding Runnable, which contains the testing instructions.

A helper class TouchUtils is also provided to aid in the UI test creation, allowing the generation of the following events to send to the Views, such as:

  • Click

  • Drag

  • Long click

  • Scroll

  • Tap

  • Touch

By these means, you can actually remote control your application from the tests. Also, Android has recently introduced Espresso for UI instrumented tests, and we will be covering this in Chapter 3, Baking with Testing Recipes.

Functional or acceptance tests

In agile software development, functional or acceptance tests are usually created by business and Quality Assurance (QA) people, and expressed in a business domain language. These are high-level tests to assert the completeness and correctness of a user story or feature. They are created ideally through collaboration between business customers, business analysts, QA, testers, and developers. However, the business customers (product owners) are the primary owners of these tests.

Some frameworks and tools can help in this field, such as Calabash ( or most notably FitNesse (, which can be easily integrated, up to some point, into the Android development process, and will let you create acceptance tests and check their results as follows:

Lately, within acceptance testing, a new trend named Behavior-driven Development has gained some popularity, and in a very brief description, it can be understood as a cousin of Test-driven Development. It aims to provide a common vocabulary between business and technology people in order to increase mutual understanding.

Behavior-driven Development can be expressed as a framework of activities based on three principles (more information can be found at

  • Business and technology should refer to the same system in the same way

  • Any system should have an identified, verifiable value to the business

  • Upfront analysis, design, and planning, all have a diminishing return

To apply these principles, business people are usually involved in writing test case scenarios in a high-level language and use a tool such as jbehave ( In the following example, these scenarios are translated into Java code that expresses the same test scenario.

Test case scenario

As an illustration of this technique, here is an oversimplified example.

The scenario, as written by a product owner, is as follows:

Given I'm using the Temperature Converter.
When I enter 100 into Celsius field.
Then I obtain 212 in Fahrenheit field.

It would be translated into something similar to:

@Given("I am using the Temperature Converter")
public void createTemperatureConverter() {
    // do nothing this is syntactic sugar for readability

@When("I enter $celsius into Celsius field")
public void setCelsius(int celsius) {
    this.celsius = celsius;

@Then("I obtain $fahrenheit in Fahrenheit field")
public void testCelsiusToFahrenheit(int fahrenheit) {

This allows both the programmers and the business users to speak the language of the domain (in this case, temperature conversions), and both are able to relate it back to their day-to-day work.

Performance tests

Performance tests measure performance characteristics of the components in a repeatable way. If performance improvements are required by some part of the application, the best approach is to measure performance before and after a change is introduced.

As is widely known, premature optimization does more harm than good, so it is better to clearly understand the impact of your changes on the overall performance.

The introduction of the Dalvik JIT compiler in Android 2.2 changed some optimization patterns that were widely used in Android development. Nowadays, every recommendation about performance improvements in the Android developer's site is backed up by performance tests.

System tests

The system is tested as a whole, and the interaction between the components, software, and hardware is exercised. Normally, system tests include additional classes of tests such as:

  • GUI tests

  • Smoke tests

  • Mutation tests

  • Performance tests

  • Installation tests

Android Studio and other IDE support

JUnit is fully supported by Android Studio, and it lets you create tested Android projects. Furthermore, you can run the tests and analyze the results without leaving the IDE (to some extent).

This also provides a more subtle advantage; being able to run the tests from the IDE allows you to debug the tests that are not behaving correctly.

In the following screenshot, we can see how ASide runs 19 unit tests, taking 1.043 seconds, with 0 Errors and 0 Failures detected. The name of each test and its duration is also displayed. If there were a failure, the Failure Trace would show the related information, as shown in the following screenshot:

There is also Android support in Eclipse IDE using the Android Development Tools plugin.

Even if you are not developing in an IDE, you can find support to run the tests with gradle (check if you are not familiar with this tool). The tests are run using the command gradle connectedAndroidTest. This will install and run the tests for the debug build on a connected Android device.

This is actually the same method that Android Studio uses under the hood. ASide will just run the Gradle commands to build the project and run the tests, although with selective compilation.