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Learning Android Application Testing

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Learning Android Application Testing

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Learning Android Application Testing
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Building Android applications manually using Gradle

If we aim to incorporate continuous integration into our development process, the first step will be to build Android applications manually, as we can combine an integration machine with the manual building technique to automate the procedure.

In doing this, we intend to keep our project compatible with the IDE and command-line building process, and this is what we are going to do. Automated building is a great advantage and speeds up the development process by building and eventually showing the errors that may exist in your project immediately. When editing resources or other files that generate intermediate classes, a CI is an invaluable tool; otherwise, some simple errors would be discovered too late in the building process. Following the mantra of fail often, fail fast is a recommended practice.

Fortunately, Android supports manual building with the existing tools and not much effort is needed to merge manual IDE builds and automatic...