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Learning Android Application Testing

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Learning Android Application Testing

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Learning Android Application Testing
About the Authors
About the Reviewers


We presented Test-driven Development introducing its concepts, and applying them step-by-step in a potential real-life problem.

We started with a concise list of requirements, describing the temperature converter application.

We implemented every test followed by the code that satisfies it. In this manner, we implemented the application behavior as well as its presentation, conducting tests to verify that the UI we designed follows the specifications.

Having the tests in place, lead us to analyze the different possibilities we have in running them. Evolving from the previous chapter, now our continuous integration machine can run the tests to guarantee any changes from the team will still result in a well-tested application.

The next chapter introduces Behavior-driven Development, and continues our aim for bug-free well-tested code, this time with a focus upon behavior and agreement, on what a requirement means throughout the team.