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Learning Android Application Testing

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Learning Android Application Testing

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Learning Android Application Testing
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Given, When, and Then

Given/When/Then words are the common vocabulary that spans the divide between business and technology, and as described at, they can also be referred to as the ubiquitous language of Behavior-driven Development. The framework is based on the following three core principles that we reproduce here, verbatim:

  • Business and technology should refer to the same system in the same way

  • Any system should have an identified, verifiable value to the business

  • Up-front analysis, design, and planning, all have a diminishing return

Behavior-driven Development relies on the use of this specific vocabulary. Additionally, the format in which requirements are expressed is predetermined, allowing tools to interpret and execute them:

  • Given: This is to describe the initial state before an external stimuli is received.

  • When: This is to describe the key action the user performs.

  • Then: This is to analyze the results of the actions. To be observable, the actions performed...