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Android Studio Cookbook

By : Mike van Drongelen
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Android Studio Cookbook

By: Mike van Drongelen

Overview of this book

This book starts with an introduction of Android Studio and why you should use this IDE rather than Eclipse. Moving ahead, it teaches you to build a simple app that requires no backend setup but uses Google Cloud or Parse instead. After that, you will learn how to create an Android app that can send and receive text and images using Google Cloud or Parse as a backend. It explains the concepts of Material design and how to apply them to an Android app. Also, it shows you how to build an app that runs on an Android wear device. Later, it explains how to build an app that takes advantage of the latest Android SDK while still supporting older Android versions. It also demonstrates how the performance of an app can be improved and how memory management tools that come with the Android Studio IDE can help you achieve this. By the end of the book, you will be able to develop high quality apps with a minimum amount of effort using the Android Studio IDE.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Android Studio Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Image sharing

Image capturing is no fun without the ability to share images; for example, on Facebook. We will be using the Facebook SDK for that.

Challenge! If you are building an app running on a Parse backend, as we did in Chapter 2, Applications with a Cloud-based Backend, there is no need for that, as the Facebook SDK is already in there. If you want, you can combine the recipes from Chapter 2, Applications with a Cloud-based Backend with this one, and create a real cool app real quick!

Getting ready

For this recipe, you need to have the previous recipe completed successfully and you need to have a real Android device (or a virtual one, but this will require some additional steps).

You also need to have a Facebook account, or you can create one just for testing purposes.

How to do it...

Let's take a look at how we can share our sepia captured image on Facebook:

  1. Get the code from the previous recipe. Open the build.gradle file in the app folder. Add a new dependency to the dependencies section...