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Mastering Android NDK

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Mastering Android NDK

Overview of this book

Android NDK is used for multimedia applications that require direct access to system resources. NDK is also the key for portability, which in turn allows a reasonably comfortable development and debugging process using familiar tools such as GCC and Clang toolchains. This is a hands-on guide to extending your game development skills with Android NDK. The book takes you through many clear, step-by-step example applications to help you further explore the features of Android NDK and some popular C++ libraries and boost your productivity by debugging the development process. Through the course of this book, you will learn how to write portable multi-threaded native code, use HTTP networking in C++, play audio files, use OpenGL ES 3, and render high-quality text. Each chapter aims to take you one step closer to building your application. By the end of this book, you will be able to create an engaging, complete gaming application.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Mastering Android NDK
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Demo application and a rendering technique

The most important part of the new code is in the OnDrawFrame() method. It uses the clForwardRenderingTechnique class to render the scene. Let's take a look at Technique.cpp.

A helper function RenderROPs() is used to render a vector of rendering operations:

void RenderROPs( sMatrices& Matrices, const std::vector<clRenderOp>& RenderQueue, ePass Pass )
  for ( const auto& ROP : RenderQueue )
    ROP.Render( Matrices, g_MatSys, Pass );

Now, all the passes can be described in terms of this function. Take a look at the function clForwardRenderingTechnique::Render(). First, let's construct two rendering queues, for opaque and transparent objects. Transparent objects are those with the string Particle as their material class. We will make use of transparent objects in the next chapter:

m_TransformUpdateTraverser.Traverse( Root );
m_ROPsTraverser.Traverse( Root );
const auto& RenderQueue = m_ROPsTraverser.GetRenderQueue()...