About the Reviewers
Oliver Gepp is a senior software engineer at Zühlke Group, Switzerland with a strong focus on mobile apps. He has a diploma in media computer science from the Technical University of Dresden, Germany. Most of his projects are in the insurance and banking business, where he covers the whole application life cycle such as business analysis, development, and testing. His passion is developing mobile apps for the iOS platform not only in Swift and Objective-C, but also with cross platform technologies such as Xamarin.
Andreas Griesser is leading the business development at Zühlke Group, Switzerland in the area of LabScience, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology. He holds a master's degree in telecommunication, mathematics, and informatics from the Technical University of Graz, Austria and a PhD in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland (ETH). During his career, he was involved in research projects of real-time three-dimensional scanning, general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU), and medical image analysis.
Under his current activities at Zühlke in the healthcare sector, he focuses on topics such as digital transformation and connected devices—not only on a technical level, but also with a business-related perspective.